Jefferson - Remember Me

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Jefferson x Bree

Requested by @thegirlwhoswriting! Hope you like it! I'm still working on your Sebastian Stan one, as I'm trying to figure out how to go about it and make it simultaneously funny and heartfelt. I need to iron it all out, because it sounds really cute and I want to get it right <3 Enjoy!

Your shoes clicked against the ground of the practically silent diner floor as you wandered out towards the tables to clear the mess from them. You had just served a new face, something that never seemed to happen in Storybrooke. She was a beautiful blonde woman donning a bright red leather jacket, and she informed you that her name was Emma. You complimented her name with a smile, your stomach buzzing at the idea of a new face in town. The two of you chatted for a bit. After a while, she had grown much more accustomed to speaking to you, which you took great pride in.

Just as you were placing the dirty dishes from Emma's table down in the kitchen to be washed, you heard the door open and shut. Your gaze flashed to the watch on your wrist and a grin spread across your face. He was here! You scurried out of the kitchen and grinned at him from behind the counter.

"Jefferson!" You greeted joyously, wiping your hands off on the cloth covering your jeans. The blue eyed man smiled back at you and took his usual seat at the counter. Without skipping a beat, you grabbed a glass and filled it up with some ice and soda before sliding it over to him.

"Hello, Bree," he replied just as enthusiastically as he dropped the exact amount of change into your hand. "I'm happy to see you. I was a bit scared you wouldn't be here today," he admitted. He raised the glass to his lips and took a quick sip, never taking his eyes off of you.

You tilted your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows at him. Your hands were working to quickly place the coins into the cash register as you wondered, "What made you think something like that?"

Jefferson placed his drink back down on the counter. His fingers tugged at the scarf wrapped snugly around his neck in an effort to straighten it out. "I came by earlier and you weren't here, and Ruby said you weren't feeling well and went home. What happened?" He asked you, concern clear in his voice. You smiled and chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I wasn't doing great earlier today. It's probably just a head cold, but I swore I was dying," you remarked in amusement. "Ruby had to leave early too, though, so I came back in and took over for the rest of the night."

His eyebrows scrunched together and before you knew it, he was standing up and leaning over the counter. He outstretched an arm to press the back of his hand against your forehead. He held it there for a moment before withdrawing and shaking his head. "No fever," he commented in relief. "Just a cold. Take it easy, though. Get some rest, take some cold medicine. The works. Oh, and tell me if you need anything, of course."

You nodded and smiled as you tried to hide the light blush spreading over your cheeks. "Thanks, Jefferson."

He smiled. "It's what I'm here for."

This was a regular occurrence, and Ruby knew this. Each time you were on a shift together and she saw Jefferson walk in, she would be sure to slip into the kitchen and let you serve him. You quite enjoyed your little chats with him. Sure, he was a bit strange, but who says that's a bad thing? He seems to be very closed off to practically everyone except for you, and you couldn't help but feel honored because of this. You somehow knew everything about him while knowing nothing at the same time. Sure, you knew his name was Jefferson, you knew he lived alone, you knew he was a private guy, you knew he wore a lot of scarves, and other little general facts like that, but your knowledge of him stopped there. Even with everything he told you, he remained mysterious. You didn't know his address of his last name or his phone number. You had yet to see him outside of Granny's Diner.

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