Who's the "Rock"? @SWsaber

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SWsaber asks "Who's the "Rock" at Station 51?"

Chet: Well, don't mean to brag, but uh...

Johnny: Oh, come on Chet! You're not going to tell them that. Are ya?

Chet: Well, actually yes, Johnny. I sort of did just now.

Johnny: Oh, no! It can't be you! I think we all know who is!

Cap: I don't mean to break up the fight... um... well, actually I do. I am the "Rock" around here.

Chet: Oh, sure Cap. *laughs nervously* I wouldn't doubt that for a sec! *quickly walks out of room*

Johnny: *rolls eyes*

Cap: Hey Johnny, you know in reality it actually comes down to Roy. You know, Roy's always been calm. And he's always been my go to guy to calm down a kid when no one else can. I don't know what he does, but it sure works wonders on them.

Johnny: I don't think Roy realizes that, Cap. Maybe you ought to tell him sometime.

Cap: You're right. *nods* You know what? I think I will. Right now in fact.

Cap: *walks out of room* Roy! Where are ya?

Roy: Over here, Cap! I'm sweeping the floors in the barracks.

Cap: Hey, Roy. Have I ever told you that in an emergency situation, you keep your cool?

Roy: *shakes head*

Cap: Well, let me just tell you now. You do. I can't tell you how many times you've calmed a crying baby at the scene of a car accident or fire. It's like you were born for this. And I just gotta admit I don't know what I would do without you.

Roy: Oh, thanks Cap! That really means more to me than you know.

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