TV show!? @ColdAndSpeedRocks

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ColdAndSpeedRocks asks "Do you guys know you're in a TV show"?

Chet: Wait... What? Did you say a TV show? Like a television show? Like a show, you watch on TV, like the one over there? *points to television* Like a real television that you can watch? Like an actual screen--

Johnny: *interrupts* Of course, Chet! You didn't know about this?

Chet: *shakes head* *gives a confused look* What like... they watch me sleep!?!

Johnny: No, Chet. They just watch our day to day life as firefighters. You seriously didn't get the memo about the cameras? Come on, you should've known this a long time ago.

Chet: *shakes head* *looks around*

Cap: What are you talking about, Johnny? I should be the first to know about this.

Johnny: Nope, this is for real.

Cap: Come to my office please, Johnny.

Johnny: Sure, Cap. No problem. *smiles*

Chet: Oooo... Someone's in trouble. *shakes head* I feel sorry for you, Johnny, but there's nothing I can do to help you. So long, Johnny. Nice knowing you.

(in Captain Stanley's office)

Johnny: *closes door* Well, Cap. Here's the story. I was messing with Chet. Can you just play along?

Cap: Sure, Johnny. *smiles*


Chet: *sneaks up to the door* *puts ear up to the door*

Johnny: *waves his hand, fanning himself* Man, we gotta get a fan in here one of these days.

Chet: *gasps* Yes!! That would be so cool! *stands up* *looks around at the walls and corners of the station* Where are you guys? Oh, I see you! *points at a dot on wall* *waves* How have cameras got this small?

Johnny, Cap: *walk out of Cap's office*

Chet: *spins around* *gives an innocent, cheesy smile* *leans on the squad*

Johnny: You know, Chet... I lied. They are watching you in your sleep.

Chet: *gives a surprised look* Really? *looks around again*

Johnny:  When you think about it, it sounds boring but it happens.

Chet: *thinks* I don't know if I want the fans to come to meet us now. That's just plain creepy. *says* But if they're watching me sleep, they must be watching you, too.

Johnny: Interesting point, Chester B. *nods*

Chet: So... *gives a concerned look*

Cap: Don't worry, Chet. It'll be fine.

Marco: *walks into the garage* Who's hungry? I'm makin' enchi-- *sees Chet's face* Well, apparently you're not hungry. What's going on?

Chet: People are watching us.

Marco: Well, yeah. Why wouldn't you be happy about this? I mean, we're on TV and we have fans.

Chet: Yeah, Marco. People are watching us in our sleep!

Marco: *slightly smiles, trying to keep it in* *glances at Johnny*

Johnny: (behind Chet) *nods*

Marco: I thought you would be happy.

Chet: No, Marco. I don't know how you don't understand this. People. Are. Watch--

Marco: I know what you said, Chet. But I just understand why you're making such a big deal about this.

Chet: What in the world? You're freaking me out, Marco. Can you guys just stop? And Marco, go make me some enchiladas.

Johnny: Comfort food, huh? *laughs* You'll be okay, Chet. People in Hollywood have to get used to this kinda thing all the time.

Chet: *shakes head* It's not right. Us, celebrities, should stand up for what we believe in. *walks away*

Johnny: *mumbles* Or are afraid of. *says* Chet, we were--

Chet: From this day forward, I'm going to revolt against this...

Johnny: Chet!

Chet: *keeps walking* This... this... (still trying to find the right words)

Johnny: CHET!

Chet: *stops and turns around* What?

Johnny: It was a joke. *chuckles*

Chet: Ha! Haha! *laugh suddenly turns into serious voice* You guys don't stop very quickly. Do you? *sees Cap* Oh, Cap. Hi! I forgot you were standing there.

Johnny: Let me guess. You knew it was a joke all along. Right?

Chet: Johnny, how did you know? You took the words right out of my mouth!

Johnny: *rolls eyes* Sure.

Chet: You planned it all pretty good. To be honest, you're getting good at pranking, Johnny. I have a question though.

Johnny: What?

Chet: How did you get the fans ask questions? And also why are they fans, anyway?

Johnny: I don't know. Why haven't you asked this before?

Chet: I'm not sure. I thought you knew. I mean, it was always your thing.

Johnny: You were always answering the questions, too.

Chet: No comment. *walks away*

Johnny: *high fives all the guys*

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