Trust who? @ColdAndSpeedRocks

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ColdAndSpeedRocks asks "Hey Roy, who do you trust?"

Roy: Well, first of all, I want to say, my wife. We've known each other for a long time and I can't think of anyone I trust more than her.

Johnny: Uh... Roy?

Roy: Yeah, Johnny?

Johnny: What about me? Weren't you going to say me? *gives Roy a shocked, hurt look*

Chet: Well, well, well. *strolls up to them* Things aren't looking too good for you. Are they, Johnny? *pauses dramatically* *picks up television remote and holds it to his mouth like a microphone* *speaks in a deep voice* It was at this moment Johnny realized he was in The Twilight Zone.

Johnny: Shut up, Chet. You watch too much TV. *waves hand to let Chet know he's not wanted at the moment*

Roy: You've gotta admit. That was a great Rod Sterling impression.

Chet: *mumbles* Hey, that's right! This is gonna need some popcorn, stat! *runs away*

Johnny: *satisfactorily smiles* *thinks* Well, that was easy.*narrows eyes, suspicious of Chet* Much easier than expected. Too easy. Something's up. Anyways, back to business here. *turns back to Roy*

Background noise: *pop, pop* *pop, pop* *pop, pop, pop* *POP* *ding*

Roy: *thinks* Huh. He's actually getting some popcorn. *silently laughs*

Johnny: *says* What do you mean by that, Roy? Are you saying that I'm not trustworthy?

Roy: *silent laugh turns into a serious face* *shakes head* *opens mouth, ready to answer*

Chet: *runs up next to them with a bag full of popcorn* *hears Johnny's last sentence* I feel sorry for you, Johnny. What's said has been said. Roy can't take it back. It's like a tube of toothpaste.

Johnny: Okay, number one, you actually got some popcorn? Number two, a tube of toothpaste? What do you mean? And number three, how did you run that fast?

Chet: Well, yeah. You expected me to pass up the chance to get some popcorn? *throws a handful into his mouth* *says with his mouth full* That's crazy. You know, I can't do that. And the tube of toothpaste. Well, um, Roy can't take it back and you can't really get the toothpaste back in the tube.

Johnny, Roy: *gives Chet a confused look*

Chet: Whatever. You don't get it. I was trying to be inspirational.

Johnny: *mumbles* Apparently not very good at it. Are you?

Chet: Anyways, back to the drama here. The real drama.

Johnny: Yeah, Roy. As I was saying, who do you trust? I thought we were best friends.

Chet: Ooo... That was a low blow to Roy from a great play by Johnny, disguising it as a defense. Like I was saying... drama. *throws a popcorn puff in air* *catches it in his mouth* *cough, cough* I'm good. I didn't choke. Stay safe, kids. Stay safe.

Johnny: Can I have some popcorn?

Chet: Hmm... *shows thinking face* Okay, fine. *hands over bowl*

Johnny: *eats a handful of popcorn* Mmm... Hm... This is really good popcorn, Chet.

Chet: I know. Right? Anyways... *clears throat* *looks at Roy, then back at Johnny*

Johnny: Oh, yes. *clears throat* Enough stalling, Roy. Time to talk.

Chet: *rubs hands together* *mumbles* Ooo... This is getting good.

Roy: *chuckles* I wasn't stalling. I honestly almost walked away. You guys were prolonging all of this, but I stayed because you guys are so entertaining.

Johnny: Ah, ha! So, you admit to stalling. You just don't want to admit that you don't trust me. *folds arms*

Chet: *grabs bowl from Johnny* *thinks* Better take this back. Can't let any spill.

Johnny: What about all things we did together? The old firetruck we worked on together? The time your house was being fumigated and I let you sleep at my house? What about when I helped you look for a house? I do have to admit. I can see where you say I'm not trustworthy in some areas. But what about our whole career? We're best friends and even as coworkers, we have to trust each other with our lives, Roy. Our very lives.

Chet: *laughs* *thinks* I don't even have to work to get Johnny worked up. I'm watching a movie being filmed in real-life.

Roy: No, Johnny. *laughs* You missed it. Remember, way back in the beginning of this whole conversation? I said, 'First of all'. I said my wife and I was going to say you second but you cut me off.

Johnny: Oh.

Chet: *laughs hysterically* *thinks* Now, Johnny's speechless.

Roy: Nice speech though.

Johnny: Thanks.

Roy: *thinks* Now, I know Mike's secret. He's always so quiet because he just watches all the entertainment happen right in front of his eyes. No need to turn on the TV, except to watch the news or football. Ooo... I've got it! He's writing a book! A Memoir At the Station by Mike Stoker. No, actually a TV show, because someone could seriously make a television series about our life at Station 51.

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