Chapter 6 - London Eye

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”Good morning Ella” Harry says as I walk into the kitchen. The kitchen is almost as it usually is when I wake up, there’s just one difference; the people in it. Usually all the boys are sitting by the table eating their food, but today there’s just three of them held in company by the girls, aka Lauren, Eleanor and Danielle. I’m still in my clothes from yesterday, and the last thing I remember before I woke up in my bed today was falling asleep in the chair. I guess I was too tired to notice I was walking up to my room.

“Good morning Harry” I answer and return the smile.

 “Where are Zayn and Niall?” I ask as I make my way towards the counter. I can tell that they’ve already eaten breakfast by the mess on the counter by the stove.

“They’re still asleep I guess. Wasn’t Niall with you?” Harry asks in a teasing way and I turn towards him with an eyebrow raised.

“What makes you think Niall was with me?” I ask him; as far as I can remember there wasn’t a single soul in my room when I woke up, and why would there be?

“Well… you two looked pretty cosy yesterday, and when he carried you inside yesterday and didn’t come out again I just presupposed that… you know.” He explains with a smirk on a face.

“No, we did not sleep in the same bed…” I answer as I turn around and walk the last meter to the counter. I place my hands on it, climb up, turn around and sit down on the counter with my legs over the edge. “There wasn’t a living soul in my room when I woke up.” “And besides, we weren’t that cosy. Louis made us share that chair.” I state as I look at Harry.

“Show her the picture Harry.” Eleanor suddenly says with a smile on her face, and at that my eyes widen; what picture?

“What picture?” I ask mirroring my thoughts as I look from Eleanor to Harry.

“Oh, it’s just a picture from yesterday.” Harry answers with a smirk on his face as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts tapping at the screen. The kitchen grows silent as everyone’s watching Harry and smiling; I guess they all know what picture he’s talking about. He stops tapping; the smirk on his face only growing bigger, if that is possible.

“This is the picture I was talking about.” Harry says as he turns the phone screen towards me and inches closer to me. I jump down from the counter and just as I’m about to snatch it away from him he jerks it away and out of my reach.

“No, I didn’t get to see it.” I say; lie. I did get too see it, but there’s no need for that picture to stay on his phone…

“You’re just going to delete it.” Harry says as he laughs. “But I’m not letting you do that.”

“But aw, why are you so mean?” I whine as I make a sad face, trying to persuade him into giving me the phone.

“I think the picture is adorable.” Lauren suddenly speaks up and I turn towards her.

“I thought you were my friend!”I exclaim with a fake hurt look on my face and the others laugh.

“You can’t deny that it’s a cute picture though.” Danielle says and it seems as the boys leaves the speaking for the girls.

“I can and I will.” I say as I start walking towards the exit of the kitchen. As I walk past Harry I try once again to snatch the phone away from him, but still to no avail;   he’s not letting go of the phone.

“We all know that you secretly think it’s cute.” Louis calls after me and I snort.

“I hate you.” I answer as I exit the kitchen and walk towards the stairs. A tired Niall starts to walk down the stairs as I reach them and make my way up.

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