Chapter 13 - A song in the making

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Five days had passed since I had told Louis about my feelings towards Niall, and he had kept his promise. He hadn’t said a word to the others yet, and I was thankful for that. I wasn’t the one to trust people easily. At first it always felt like the person was going to keep his or hers promise of not telling, but after a little while you got the confirmation that you couldn’t trust them and that hurt. Therefore I kept to not telling others about my secrets.

Louis hadn’t exactly given me much of a choice though, it was telling or lying, and I wasn’t really good at lying under pressure. If there were any of the boys I had to tell I guess I would have chosen Louis, he was the one I trusted the most out of them.


“Liam, Harry and I are going grocery shopping, so you have to keep Niall with company.” Louis told me with a smile and a small wink. Even though he hadn’t said anything about it to the others, he kept dropping hints all the time and I found it weird, he knew I wanted to get Niall off my mind.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine on his own.” I said as I laid the guitar down beside me on the bed.

“Come on Ella, talk to him, it won’t kill you.” I hadn’t been talking much to Niall the last five days, I hoped that if I didn’t the crush would vanish, but it didn’t help much, I still couldn’t get him off my mind.

“I need it to go away. I don’t want to like him like this.” I told Louis and he stayed silent for a couple of seconds before answering.

“It won’t go away like that Ella, just talk to him. He thinks he has done something wrong, and he doesn’t get it.” His gaze then fell down on the guitar beside me and a smile formed on his lips. “Besides, I’m sure Niall can teach you how to play guitar, or at least help you on the way.”

My gaze landed on the guitar as well. It was his; he had lent it to me the other day when I had asked if they had one. He immediately said I could borrow his, and I can see why; he thought he had done something wrong and probably wanted to make it better. “I’m doing fine.” I lied and gestured for him to leave. “Go shop.”

“Fine, but you can’t keep avoiding him.” He said as he left the room, but stopped in the doorway. “We might go out to eat something afterwards, so we might come home late.”

“I won’t miss you.” I shouted after him as he disappeared and I could hear him laughing as he went down the hall.

“I will miss you too Ella.”


I checked the clock again for the second time in the last five minutes. The past half an hour had passed slowly and I once again put the guitar down onto my bed. Louis was right, Niall would be a good help on the way. The fact that I had avoided him hadn’t made my crush go away, if anything it had only grown. I don’t think borrowing his guitar had been such a good idea, because it was a part of him and I knew how much he loved it.

I picked the guitar up and carried it with me down to the living room looking for him. “Niall, hello?” I asked as I went from the living room to the kitchen, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had gone with the boys after all… I thought at first, but then realised there was one more place he might be.

I went up the stairs and down the hall again until I was stood in front of the door to his room. It was right next to mine, so I would think I should have heard him if he was there, but I guess he was quiet. “Niall” I asked as I knocked on the door.    

“Come in, the door is open.”

I opened the door slowly and peaked in. “Hi, could you help me with something?” I opened the door more and walked into his room with his guitar in my hands.

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