Chapter 17 - The announcement

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"Are everyone ready to leave? Paul's outside." Liam shouted so that everyone in the house could hear him. I was in the stairs on my way down, just in time.

"I am ready." I said with a smile on my face as I bent down to put on my shoes. I was never really the last one to get ready, I had always been really effective when it came to getting ready. It was funny, because the boys had assumed me to be the slowest one when I first got here five weeks ago, but I proved them wrong.

"So am I." Louis said as he came out of the kitchen sending me a smile which I gladly returned. It didn't take long before all of us except for Niall were sitting in the car waiting for him. He usually wasn't the last one, but he was today.

"Did you see him on your way out?" Harry asked me, probably because of the fact that I had to pass Niall's room on my way down, but I hadn't. The door was closed, so I had assumed that he was downstairs.

"Nope." I answered as a smile formed on my face at the thought of him. We got out of the house and walked towards the car in the driveway, Paul's car. We all climbed in, and greeted Paul as we sat down in the seats. "So what are we doing at work today?" I looked to Liam, since he usually was the one who had been talking to Paul or Simon.

"We're announcing the single." Liam answered me with a big smile. I had forgotten that, they had been talking about it yesterday, but I had been slightly distracted by Niall's hand in mine as he stroked the back of it with his thumb, I'm surprised no one noticed. That was the only thing like that he had done to show his affection for me since the kiss though.

The sound of the car door opening brought me back from the memory and I saw Niall as he climbed into the car, a huge grin on his face. I was sitting in the back with Louis, Zayn was in the front with Paul and the three other boys were sat in the middle seats.

"Sorry, I had to do something." Niall told us and then he turned to me. "I found your phone... on the kitchen counter." He told me, and I knew he wasn't telling the whole truth. I hadn't even noticed that I had forgotten my phone, but I knew I had forgotten it in his room this morning when I went to talk to him.

"Oh, thank you." I answered as he gave it to me, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had to do before we left.

"What was that?" Louis asked me quietly when Niall had turned back and started talking to the others there.

"What do you mean?" I turned towards him and put the phone in my lap as I fastened my seatbelt.

"Niall, he seems so happy." He started and I glanced at Niall who was still wearing the huge grin before I returned it to Louis who then added. "And why does he keep giving you your phone?"

I let out a small laugh as I shook my head. "I keep forgetting it, and he keeps finding it... I guess." I answered, and it wasn't really a lie, just not the whole truth.

It had been four days since the kiss, but we hadn't told them. We had talked about it and then decided against it, so we were just going see how it went. They had thought it was weird at first when we both were so happy, but I told Louis and Lauren that we had figured it out and that I had lied to Niall about the reason why I was upset.

I told them I had told him the reason I was upset was because I thought he didn't want me to be his friend and that he had believed me. I felt bad about lying to them, but it was the only way to convince them I was happy other than telling them about the kiss and the things we had really figured out.

"Right... okay. I'm glad you two figured it out by the way." Louis said, but something in his face told me there also was something more to it.


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