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Hi everyone! I just wanted to share some exciting news with you! (Or at least I hope they are).

I'll just start off by thanking everyone so much for the support you've given me on this fanfic (Teach Me). It really means a lot, and it's your support that has made a new fanfic possible.

If it wasn't for the fact that I enjoy writing and that some people seem to enjoy it, I wouldn't have wanted to continue. Simply because there would have been no point in doing so, if my writing and my story were absolute horrendous.

Anyways, the new fanfic is called Possibility and you can find it on my profile. I'd love it if you cheked it out, and maybe even voted for it if you think it sounds interesting. Not to mention add it to your library so you will get notified when I publish the first chapter. (That is, if you want to read it of course.)

That was all, so thank you so much, and hopefully I'll see you again soon! (Figuratively speaking)

:) xx

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