Chapter 24 - Don't be so scared

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Please read the author's note in the end, it's not that long. :)

"Aren't you going to stay down here with your boyfriend?" Harry asked with a smug smile as he raised one of his eyebrows. He had been like that all day, and if it hadn't been for the fact that he constantly teased me about Niall, I would have been happier for him. But he had been in a good mood, and it was a lot better than the way he had been all week, so I wasn't going to stop him, and besides, it was just a constant reminder of the date Niall was taking me on.

"He's not my boyfriend Harry."

At least not yet...

"But you want him to be, don't you?" I knew I was blushing, I just hoped he didn't see it, because that would be just another reason for him to tease me even more.

"Be nice Harry." I looked past Harry to see that Niall's gaze was already on me, causing my face to turn a little redder. He had heard everything, and I didn't know why I got so embarrassed, because he knew I liked him like that.

Harry huffed and turned towards Niall, "I am nice, she likes it when I tease her about you." he alleged and I took the moment to walk up the remaining steps of the stairs and down the hallway to my room.


After about ten minutes in my room I got bored, and so I texted Alex asking her if she had time to do a Skype call. When she said yes, there wasn't really any question as to what I would be doing next. I also texted Lauren asking her if she wanted to come over, but she still hadn't talked with Harry, so I doubted she would want to come.

"Alex!" I exclaimed as a smile spread across my face when she appeared on the laptop screen in front of me. I hadn't talked much to her during the summer, and when we talked over text it was usually me asking her for advices on Niall and I, and I felt really selfish for that. "How is France?"

"France is fine, it hasn't really happened a lot. I've gotten a couple of friends, and yeah that's about it."

"Ah, that sounds nice." I told her and adjusted the laptop in front of me so I was in the middle of the picture the camera had of me. "How long is it until you go home?"

I thought Alex was going home a couple of days before I was leaving London, so she would already be there when I got home. It would be really nice to see her again, after all this time separated. We had talked over texts and such, but it wasn't the same, by far. We wouldn't have that much time at home before school started either, and that though reminded me that I had to ask her whether she got into the university or not as well.

"Not that long now." She answered with a soft sigh and then tilted her head to the left and to the right before it went back to normal. "Around two weeks I think, yeah."

"Have you gotten the letter from the university yet?" I wasn't sure if she had got it, because it would take longer to send it too France than to London, but then again her parents could've just opened it for her instead of going through all the work of sending it to France.

"Yes, I can't believe I haven't asked you yet, but... you got in, right? You have to."

"I actually did, and you?" I asked her with a smile on my face, because judging by how she answered my former question, it looked as if she got in as well.

"I did too!" She exclaimed, seeming just as excited as me at that fact. We continued talking about the subject for a good 30 minutes before she asked me about Niall, and what had happened lately. So I decided to just tell her everything that had happened since last night, because there hadn't really been anything big until then. I told her about how he asked me out, about when Louis caught us, and when we told the boys.

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