Chapther 9 - Twitcam

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"What?" Niall suddenly blurted, a little too loud, but not loud enough to be a shout. I think Alex heard it, because the line went completely silence. "I mean... what." Niall said quickly after realizing what he had just done.

By this I had my head in my hands so I couldn't see what the others were doing, but I could hear them loud and clear. They were laughing, well... most of them were. I'm not sure if they were laughing of me or Niall, but something was it and I didn't want to know what.

I don't know why he reacted the way he did. I guess he didn't expect it to be Louis, none of them did, but then again the others had expected it to be Niall. Had he been too?

"Ella?" Alex asked, she sounded confused. "Are there others there or do you sound like a boy?"

I tried to answer her, but it came out muffled because my head was in my hands. "What?" She asked, she hadn't heard me; the phone was too far from me for her to hear my muffled sentence.

I removed my head from my hands and looked towards the phone, avoiding the other's gazes, if they were even looking at me, which I guess they were. "There are others here." I repeated. "And you just told them I have a crush on Louis..." I said, before realizing what the other must think of what I just said and added quickly: "Which I don't have by the way, I do not have a crush on Louis. No." I shook my head as I spoke, still avoiding their glances.

"Oh, sorry"

"I can't believe you have got a crush on Louis, oh my." Harry stated as he continued laughing as if he hadn't heard any of the things I had said.

"I don't, stop it!" I exclaimed moving my gaze to his. "I may have had a celebrity crush on him; I'll admit that, but if so that was long ago. And besides, after I met him I understood that I like him better as a friend."

"Thank you, I guess." I looked towards Louis and smiled back at him; at least he understood it.

"She understood that she would rather have him as a friend because she met her prince charming." Zayn said, and by the time it took me to answer I had only managed to understand half of what he had said.

"Yes, exactly!"

"Wait, what, no, what?" I said as soon as I had managed to process it, but the boys were already laughing hard. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Oh my goodness, Ella! You're so stupid." I had completely forgotten that Alex was still there and now she was laughing with the boys.

"I'm not, and this all your fault Alexandra." My comment made her stop laughing immediately; she didn't like it when I used her full name.

"Oh, don't you use my full name Elizabeth Autumn Sanderson." I scrunched my nose; she knew I didn't like it when she used all my names. Whenever someone used my full name it sounded so serious, like I had done something I shouldn't have. To be honest I like my names, I actually do, even though people never use them.

"She just scrunched her nose, didn't she?" Alex asked and the boys started laughing.

"She actually did." Zayn answered her amused and chuckled.

"I did not!" I said loud so Alex can hear me before throwing a pillow at Zayn. "Sh on you. You're supposed to be on my side."

Zayn threw the pillow back at me, but missed. "If we're on the same side, then why did you throw a pillow at me? Last time I checked teammates didn't hurt each other. "

"Well, you betrayed me. So that's why. Don't question my actions; there are actually reasons for them." I stated and stretched my hand towards the hand Harry held my phone in. "Can I have my phone now, please?"

"Um, yeah... why?" Harry asked as he handed me the phone. "I'll hang up now Alex, but I'll talk to you later. Say bye to the boys."

"No, we want to know more." Harry whined, but as soon as she said goodbye I hanged on. The boys just sat there and look at me not saying a word.

"Weren't we supposed to watch a movie?" I asked after getting uncomfortable and looked towards Liam who was in control of the movies.

"Are you sure you don't want to watch Batman or Spiderman?" Liam asked, hopeful.

"Eh, I'd rather not; don't you have a cute movie? I'm in the mood for something cute."

"We can sit and watch me, because I'm too cute." Louis said with a laugh, thinking his joke was a lot funnier than it was.

"You're so weird, how do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him and sat down on the ground beside Liam to look through the movies.

"Ouch, and she loves me so too bad for you."

"Not some chick flick please." Zayn begged as I kept looking through the movies.

"You guys don't even have any chick flicks." I stated as I took up one of the movies. "Aw, can we watch this one, please?" I begged as I turned towards them and held up the cover to "New Year's Eve".

"Well, we haven't seen that one yet..." Liam said and I looked at him surprised.

"You haven't seen it? Aw, I love it so much, you have to see it." None of the boys rejected so I guess they agreed on watching the movie. I gave the movie to Liam who went to put the disc into the DVD player as I found my seat on the couch beside Niall again.

"I'll go get some popcorn for us." Niall said, got up and walked towards the kitchen. I watched him walk away and turned around when Louis started talking.

"Maybe you should help him Ella; you never know what he can do."

"I think he can do it." I answered and glanced towards the kitchen before I turned my attention towards them again. Harry was now wearing a sly smile.

"So Ella..." He started and I began to consider going to help Niall in the kitchen. "If your crush isn't on Louis... then on whom is it?"

I stood up; he had made the choice easy for me. "I told you... I don't have a crush. I'll go help Niall, so if you need me, you know where to find me." I said, and then I walked into the kitchen where Niall was currently on his phone while making popcorn.

"Oh my god, is that one of those popcorn machines?" I asked amused by it as soon as I laid eyes on it. "I've never seen one of those." I continued as I looked at the popcorn hopping around inside the bowl; making popping sounds.

He chuckled and I looked up at him to find that his gaze had left his phone and was now at me. "Well, surely you must have seen one, considering that you knew what it was."

"I... you... I mean..." I said trying to compose a sentence that made sense. "I haven't seen one in real life, yeah." I said and turned my gaze towards the popcorn machine again as I felt my cheeks heat up. What is wrong with me? Why did I suddenly become so unsure?

"Ella?" Niall asked and I turned towards him, our gazes locked. "What brought you to the kitchen?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you needed help..." I started with a smile and then added the main reason. "...and Harry was teasing me."

Niall chuckled and pointed towards a chair. "I should've known, just take a seat while I finish up."

I smiled and sat down on the chair. "Are you sure you don't need some help?"

"I'm fine." Niall answered as he turned off the machine and poured the popcorn into some bowls. I just sat watching him. When he had finished he leaned towards the counter smiling at me.

"What?" I asked after a little while of it wondering if there was food in my face or something so I looked around trying to find something that could work as a mirror.

"You were humming, it's cute." He answered and tilted his head slightly; the smile never left his face.

"I'm sorry, I..." He cut me off by continuing to talk like I hadn't said anything at all. I started humming at times without even noticing it myself, I knew that. No one ever said it was annoying, but I could never know.

"How long have you been writing songs?"

"Well... I have-"Once again I was cut off; this time by Liam appearing in the doorway.

"What's taking so long?" He looked from me to Niall and then towards the popcorn on the counter. "Wait... you're not even making popcorn anymore."

"We're just letting the machine cool down before we leave it." Niall told Liam and pointed towards it.

"It is fine, it won't explode." Liam told us with a chuckle. "Come on now."


It was half an hour later and we hadn't started the movie yet. The reason was simple; the DVD player wouldn't cooperate. Niall had left with one of the bowls and half of the popcorn, and the rest of the boys were just trying to get the DVD player to work. And I, I just sat there watching them.

"I'll just go and see what Niall is doing." I told them as I stood up. I don't think they even heard me, because they just continued discussing as if I wasn't there. I didn't bother to try again so I started on my journey towards Niall's room.

I glanced at the picture hanging on the wall as I walked up the stairs and down the hall where the rooms and the bathroom was. There were pictures of them with their families and their friends. As I got closer to Niall's door I could hear talking, and I began to reconsider visiting him. I wouldn't want to interrupt him if he was in the middle of a phone call or something, but then again he could be talking to himself.

I knocked at the door and his voice disappeared for a moment, and then I could hear it again. "There's a knock on my door, so just wait a second and I'll be back to you, because you know I love you."

At this point I began to considering running into my room or something. He was talking to a girl? He told her he loved her... So he must like her a lot. My thoughts didn't come longer before the door opened and Niall stood in front of me.

"Um, I'll go again..." I said taking a step back. "I didn't mean to interrupt you and um..." I gave him a quick smile and started walking back where I came from, but I didn't come long before he stopped me.

"No, don't go, come and join me." He said, and I stopped in my tracks; he wanted me to join in on his date or something? I turned towards him and tilted my head slightly.

"Aren't you talking on someone?"

"Well, yes, but I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

They, he said they. "So you're not talking to a girl?" I blurted before quickly covering my mouth and then removing it again. "I mean... um, never mind."

He chuckled and gestured for me to come in. "Come on, they'll love you."

I walked back and past him into the room. "So who are they?" I asked as he closed the door.

"Well, I'll show you." he said and went over to his bed where he sat down and patted on the spot beside him. "Come here."

I sat down beside him and looked at the laptop screen, expecting to see other human beings on it, but I didn't.

"Um, Niall?"


"Are you sure you're talking to someone else... because we're the only ones on the screen." I looked from the picture of Niall and I on the screen to him just in time to see him burst out laughing.

"Are you okay...?" I asked as I looked at him confused. "I'm getting the impression that either you or I am mental, but um..." This only made him laugh even harder. His laugh was really adorable and it brought a smile to my face, but it didn't help me much on getting an answer as to why he was laughing. I didn't mind it though, I liked making people laugh, and I liked making him laugh.

"It's a..." He busted out laughing again and I turned my face towards the screen as I slightly shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Wait... is this a twitcam? It is, I..." I glanced down at the number of viewers and then back up to the picture again dumbfounded.

"To all of you people, um, watching... I swear; I'm not this stupid." I sat there, talking to a screen. Did I feel stupid? Yes indeed. "I guess I'm the mental one of us." I said turning to Niall who had calmed down to chuckling.

"Everyone, meet Ella; our new songwriter slash assistant slash live-in slash friend... you get the point."

I gave an awkward wave at the camera and smiled. "Hello."

"Oh look!" Niall said and pointed at the comment section where "Hello Ella", "Hi Ella" "Heey!" and other welcoming messages appeared, but there weren't only nice ones. There was a couple of "Stay away from our Nialler" or "We're here for Niall, not you; go away". Niall must have noticed as well as he said. "Be nice now, she's not that bad."

"It's okay, I can go." I said and turned to him. I wasn't the one to let mean comments get to me, but I felt unwanted. And that was a feeling I didn't like.

"Don't be stupid, most of them want you here." He stated and smiled to me as he turned to the screen. "Right?" He waited some seconds before he turned to me again. "Told you, and besides; I want you here too."

"Really?" I asked and turned to the screen. "Thank you." I said and just looked at the screen for a moment before opening my mouth again. "I feel so awkward talking to a screen; it feels like as if I'm just talking to myself."

I looked to the comment section and at their comments. Some were saying that I was cute, other that I was funny, and some said the complete opposite. You may think I'm one of those people who just don't care about mean comments, but I'm not. I do care what people think of me, but only if you know me.

If a stranger came up to me on the street and told me that I've got a horrible personality I wouldn't have given it much thought, because obviously that person doesn't know how my personality is, because that person doesn't know me.

So I'm that kind of person; I care if you know me... or if you comment on my appearance, because you can do that even though you don't know me.

"Ella?" Niall said waving a hand in front of my face.


"You were staring again." He told me followed by a small laugh. "I asked if we should have an ask Ella and Niall."

"Oh yes, that would be fun!"

"Okay, so you know what to do! Just comment your questions and we will be answering as many of them as we can." He told the screen who brought the message to the fans and I turned my gaze towards the questions coming in.

"Okay, first question... Are you dating?" Niall read it and turned to me. "Are we dating?"

I slapped his arm playfully and he just laughed, he knew how I felt about the article. "You know the answer to that, so answer the nice fan now." I told him and gestured to the laptop.

"You're weird." He told me, but did as he was told. "I assume you're asking that because of an article in some kind of magazine." Niall started and I kept my eyes at the comment section as he carried on. "But we are not dating, just good friends. I hope that was the answer you wanted, because that's the only one I've got."

"So from serious to super serious..." I said to Niall when he had finished and he nodded telling me to continue. "What did you do with the popcorn you stole from us?"

"Stole?" He asked acting offended. "For your information I actually made it, I don't know if you noticed, because you were lost in your little humming world." He stated making me giggle.

"Well, technically... you didn't make it."

"Oh, sh on you, I said I made it so I made it." He said turning to the screen before a look of realization struck his face. "I didn't answer your question, did I?" He asked me and I shook my head smiling at him.

"It should be somewhere here..." He said looking around the room. "...oh, there it is!" Niall then turned to me again. "You wouldn't like... mind getting it?" He asked tilting his head smiling.

"What a gentleman Niall, oh yes of course I will." I said getting up and going to get the popcorn. "Only for you."

"Isn't she nice?" He smiled at the screen. "Oh, I'm sorry I'd give you some popcorn, but someone has got to invent a portal thing first." I sat down again and put the bowl of popcorn between us and the laptop. Niall took one and I thought he was going to eat it, but instead he threw it at the screen. "Look, it won't go through."

"And you're saying I'm weird."

"I'm not weird, I'm unique." He answered with a smirk and I laughed.

"You just stole that from Louis."

"I did not... okay I did, but they still love me." He said and then he smiled at the screen.

"Next question" I said looking through the comments for a question. "Oh, here's one for you Niall. Is it true that you don't share your food?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No, nope. I just shared my food with Ella." He said just as I put popcorn in my mouth. "And she's eating."

"It is popcorn, and you made popcorn for all of us." I told him and pointed towards the bowl. "That's half of the popcorn you made."

Niall's gaze went from me, to the popcorn bowl and then back to me again. "It is, but I wasn't planning on eating it all by myself... maybe. The question was whether I shared my food or not, not if I ate a lot. I can share my food." He said and turned to the camera as he said the last sentence.

I nodded. "Okay, true. Um, next question."

"When does your next album come out?" I read the first question I found out loud and turned towards Niall. "When do we get our next baby?" I asked him, and as soon as I had said it I knew how weird it sounded. "And by baby I mean album... I do." I said in an attempt to defend myself.

"I forgot you were a fan Ella." Niall said with a laugh and I motioned for him to go on with the question. "Well, we're working on it. We actually wrote a song for it today; the boys, Ella and I." Niall then covered his mouth with his hand. "I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you that."

"Maybe they'll fire you now." I said to him, obviously joking. Why would anyone want to fire Niall from a band he was in? One Direction wouldn't have been the same without him, or any of the other boys for that matter.

"I bet they will, what am I going to do now Liz?"

"Don't call me Liz."

"Why, it's cute."



"You should continue."

"With what?"

"The ask Niall and Ella." I told him in a duh voice as if it was the most logic thing on the world, which it probably was.

"Oh, um, who's your celebrity crush?" Niall read the question out loud and chuckled and looked at me. "I'll let you answer that one."

"What, no, that's not fair. It is ask Niall and Ella, not ask Ella."

"They specifically asked you, so... it's your question."

"Great" I said and looked at the camera. "Well, I can't tell you, sorry." I answered laughing nervously.

"I know who." Niall claimed as he raised his hand with a smile and I just shook my head.

"No, you don't."

"I don't?" Niall asked confused and I shook my head once again before turning to the screen.

"The boys think they know, but they don't." I told the fans with a smile. "And I'd like to keep it that way."

"I'll get you to tell me." Niall said nudging me on the arm. I turned towards him and smiled. He had a look on his face; a mix of curiosity and something I couldn't place. I liked his face, I liked him. I looked away from him as soon as I realized what I was thinking. I told myself I was just fascinated by his face, and I guess that was the truth, but it was something more to it.

I saw at comments again looking for another question to answer and get my thoughts off of his face. Those eyes, the mouth... No, Ella I said off. But the comment that stood out didn't help me.

The way she's looking at him. I must have been staring at him... again. The breakfast from one of the first days came rushing back into my mind and then I felt something by my ear.

"Were you looking at me?" Niall whispered into my ear. The voice came so suddenly and I reacted by turning my head towards him, too quick. He hadn't brought his head away yet and there were only centimeters between us.

"I, uh..." I stuttered, startled.

Niall pulled his head back. "Uh, Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine Niall. You just scared me; I was in my own little world."

"You go there a lot."

"You make me sound mental."

"You are mental."

"Thank you Niall, but I'm not."

"Oh, don't put yourself down like that Liz, you are."

"Niall, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing a twitcam... I'm doing a twitcam!" He exclaimed as if he just realized that fans from all over the world was watching him. They were watching us. It didn't feel like anyone was watching us, but I guess that was because we were sitting behind a computer screen and so were the fans.

We answered some more questions together before I left Niall with the twitcam. I knew most of the fans would rather want to watch him, and only him, so I let them have him. And I didn't want to embarrass myself any more than I had already done.

I went down to the other boys. "Didn't you get it to work?" I asked them as I sat down on the couch next to Louis.

"Does it look like we got it to work?" Louis asked as he turned his face towards me and raised a brow. He didn't sound angry or annoyed so I just smiled at him.


"And there's your answer." Louis said and went back to scrolling down on his phone.

"So, what were you and Niall doing?" Liam asked me and the others turned their attention towards us; I guess there wasn't a lot going on on their phones at the moment.

"We were doing a twitcam." I answered with a smile.

"Is he still on?" Zayn asked and I nodded. "Well, let's watch him." Zayn suggested and the other boys agreed; it seemed like they didn't have a lot to do.

"I think I'll go to bed." I declared as I stood up and waved at them. "Good night boys."

"Good night Ella." They answered as I made my way towards the stairs. I got up to my room, and then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It didn't take long before I was done, had changed and was lying under the covers in my bed.

I laid there staring out into the darkness of my rooms as my thoughts went through the events of the day, or rather the Twitcam. What happened, why did I become so startled? Did I like him...?

No. It was because he was so close to your face Ella, that's all. Boys have never been so close to your face, you know that. And you know; he isn't exactly unattractive...

But what if...

You don't know how it is to actually like anyone, you're just imagining things.

I guess...

I kept thinking about it, and at one point I came to a realization. And that was something I laid thinking about for a long time before I finally managed to fall asleep.


Hello everyone! I've finally managed to finish chapter 9! And it's long as well, so that's a good thing. :)

I really hope you like it, and my story. I've got a question about this chapter. Do you think there's too much Niall and Ella? Or is it okay? There'll be less of them in the next chapter anyway, but I just want to know what you think about it. :) And I also wanted to ask you what you think their ship name should be? Niall Horan and Ella/Liz/Elizabeth Autumn Sanderson. Just try to make one you like. :)

I'm sorry there's long between my chapters, but I've got school, and I take it really serious, so yeah. I'll do my best to update as fast as possible, but I'm not sure when that will be.

Soooo just comment and vote to let me know what you think of this chapter, I would really appreciate it. Thank You. :)


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