Chapter 5 - Fun in the back garden

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*one week later*

It has been one week since I got here; well, nine days to be exact. I can't believe how fast the week has gone by, and still it feels like I've known the boys for ages. It's weird, but I guess it's because of the fact that we are living together. We kind of had to get to know each other. It was either that or quit the job.

I haven't only gotten to know the boys better, but also the city. The boys showed me parts of the city in the weekend and on their day off, but it's still one place they've yet to show me; the London eye. I'm sure there are a lot of places I haven't been; allies and such, but the London eye is the one thing I really want to see; just the thought of being on the top and looking out over London.

As for today, we're just staying home to relax. The weather is actually quite nice; the sun is shining and it's almost too hot. I can't remember the last time we had this nice weather in Mullnar. Sometimes I just wish that the weather in England wasn't so unpredictable.

"Are you coming outside with us Ellie?" Louis asks as he walks into the kitchen, he's wearing a black pair of bathing trunks and has got a blue towel hanging over his shoulder. He started calling me Ellie after I bought them Starbucks with the name Ellie written on the cups, but I don't mind; I kind of like it actually. The others are still calling me Elizabeth or Ella.

"Yes, I'm just going to finish eating first." I answer after I swallow the food I had in my mouth and he answers with a nod as he walks towards the counter.

It's 3'O clock in the evening, and no; I did not just wake up. I actually woke up early today; at 9 AM to be exact. The sudden warmth is probably the cause for that though; because apparently, my room is where the sun shines at in morning; so when I woke up I felt like I was in an oven.

"There are towels in the closet in the bathroom if you need one." He says after picking up an apple, and then he heads out. Up until now, the day has only consisted of lying outside in the sun. For Zayn and Liam it started with filling the pool with water; a task that took quite some time. No one wanted to bath when they finished though; because the water was cold. But after some hours in the sun; it should be better.

I finish eating and put my plate and glass into the dishwasher before I head upstairs. Since I've already spent most of the day up until now in the sun I've already got my bikini on, so all I need is a towel.

I walk into the bathroom, get a towel out of the closet, and then I walk into my room to get my phone, which has been charging all day.

I bring my towel and phone as I walk down the stairs and out into the back garden. They are all standing around the pool; no one has been in it yet. I know that for sure as they're all dry.

"Why aren't you in the pool yet?" I ask as I walk towards the chairs where we've got our things. They all turn to me, except for Louis who takes the chance to sneak up on Niall. He's probably going to try to shove him into it; it must be cold.

"We are, we're just... it's kind of cold." Niall admits and I look from him to Louis who's behind him. I'm probably the one giving him away as Niall then turns around and quickly get away from the pool edge at the sight of Louis.

"Don't you dare Tomlinson... or else." Niall threatens, making the rest of us laugh and Louis to move away from Niall; carefully, but with a grin on his face. I bend down and lay my cell phone on the table; I don't want it to get wet and broken. I can hear the boys talk and laugh by the pool, none of them are jumping in; at least there aren't any hear able splashes.

"Why aren't you jumping in? It can't be that cold." I half shout to them so they can hear me as I lock the cell phone.

"Elizabeth, watch out!" Niall shouts and that's the only answer I get as I lay the towel on my chair, and then, right when I'm about to turn around I feel a strong pair of arms around my waist and someone lifting me up; a howl escapeing my mouth. The person turns around still carrying me and I can now see all the other boys; everyone except from Louis.

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