Chapter 26 - The date

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I peeked into the kitchen to see if Niall was there with the others, but there was no sign of him there. The other boys on the other hand were all there, and my small peek into the room didn't go unnoticed.

"Ella, looking for something?" Zayn asked me, he was the only one who could see me without having to turn around. They were all gathered around the small dining table, some of them standing, and some of them sitting on chairs.

"Yeah, or rather someone" I told him as I slowly made my way into the kitchen, feeling slightly insecure due to the fact that they were all looking at me. Normally, that wouldn't have been a thing that had bothered me in any way, but it did now. I had really put an effort into my appearance today, and I was scared it wasn't good enough.

"Ah, Niall I assume." Harry said as I made my way to the counter and stood with my back against it. I didn't answer him in any way though, just tried to suppress the grin that threatened to form on my face, but to no avail, and I guess that was answer enough for him.

"So when's the date?" Liam question with a smile and I turned my gaze to him.

"He told me to be ready at six." I informed him and the others who were all paying attention to the conversation. The date would start at six o'clock. That was all I really knew about the date. I had no idea where we were going, or what we were doing whatsoever.

That was also something that had made it harder for me to decide upon a fitting outfit for the date. I had asked him about it, and all he said was to dress nice, but at the same time casual.

"What time is it no-" Louis started, but stopped midsentence when his eyes connected with the watch on the wall above the table and then his eyes returned to me, looking slightly confused. "Ella, it's just five."

"Eh... yeah, I... sorry. I just, I-I..." I stopped when I stuttered and then a nervous laugh slipped out of my mouth as my gaze fell to the floor. Why did I suddenly get so nervy? It shouldn't be that big of a deal, he wasn't even anywhere close, and it was still an hour until it started. "I've never done this before."

I kept my gaze away from them as I put my hands on the counter and hoisted myself up on the counter with the help of a small jump. When I was sat safely on the top of the counter I smoothened my dress down nervously, before I finally let my eyes return to the boys who were all looking at me and smiling.

"You really shouldn't worry Ella, I'm sure Niall has planned something great." Louis said trying to reassure me

"That's not what I'm scared of..." I started, and trailed off when I realised I didn't want to tell them what scared me most about the date. It wasn't that I thought they would laugh of me or anything if I did, but they were in fact Niall's best friends, and I didn't know whether they would tell him or not.

"Then what's the problem love?"

"If you're scared he won't be pleased with your appearance, then you don't have anything to worry about." Zayn informed me before I got the chance to answer Liam's question and I looked at the others to see whether they seemed to agree with him or not.

"Is that it?" Louis asked when my gaze locked with his and then I shook my head as my gaze fell to the dress. I had bought it when I was out with Lauren on Wednesday. It was a simple, yet pretty dress, at least in my opinion. It was a white summer dress with black polka dots on, and a small black belt around the waist.

"No, well... maybe a bit." I told him and then tilted my head slightly, unsure of what I should do. "...but that's not what I'm most scared about."

"Don't th-" Liam started, but just as he started a tune I recognised started playing, and I didn't get to know what Liam was about to say. The others didn't seem to recognise it though, and that was understandable, I just didn't understand how that tune could possibly be played.

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