Chapter 27 - Teach me

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“What are you even doing?!” Louis exclaimed and turned to look at me despondent.

“I just scored.” I replied to him with a grin on my face. Since I had never played FIFA before, Louis decided that we should play it when we got home from work today, and so far it was going… okay, I guess.  Video games had never been my strong side. Sure, I had played video games before, but that hadn’t been often, and the games weren’t usually as advanced as FIFA. At least that was my opinion, because I couldn’t seem to figure out how most of the actions were performed. 

“You just pushed a lot of random buttons on the controller, didn’t you?”

“Yeah… I don’t really know what to do.” I admitted sheepishly and then glanced quickly down at my controller before my eyes returned to him. “I know how to pass the ball, and shoot it, but I have no idea how to dribble or do anything else.”

“Ah, well, we might have to teach you that then.” Louis told me and then looked down at his controller. He paused the game, before he looked down at his controller again with an expression on his face that made it seem like he was thinking, and he probably was. Louis had tried to teach me how to perform all the possible actions before we started the game, but I hadn’t gotten that much out of it, so I assumed he was trying to think of a better way to teach me them.

“So, how are things going here?” I heard someone say behind me, and turned around to notice Harry approaching us, closely followed by the three other boys as well.

“I’m leading.” I answered him with a laugh before I let my eyes wander to the blonde haired boy behind Harry, and smiled at him when his gaze met mine.

“Yeah, yeah…” Louis started, causing me to return my gaze to him. “…I’ve gone easy on her, and she keeps tripping my players.” He told the boys, and then turned his attention towards me. “How many red cards have you gotten?”

“Eh, just three…” I answered him, a bit embarrassed, because we had only been playing for about 30 minutes and apparently it wasn’t that normal to get red cards during a match. I felt the couch shift and looked to my right to discover that Harry had sat down next to me.

“You’re nearly at the same level as Harry, not bad to be your first time.” Zayn commented, earning a huff from Harry, but no denial. I then felt an arm around my shoulder, and instantly tensed a bit knowing it wasn’t Niall, because he was stood within my visual field.    

I moved a bit, trying to get Harry, whom I noticed owned the hand, to pull his arm back, but to no avail, he didn’t even budge. I looked away from Harry and to Niall, but he wasn’t looking at me, it seemed like he had some sort of wordless conversation with Harry.

I had turned my head towards Louis who was talking with Liam, and was just about to say something to him when Niall’s voice cut my actions short.

“Hey, can I borrow Liz for a little while?” I wasn’t sure who he was asking for permission from at first, but when I turned to look at him he was looking at Louis, so I assumed he was asking him since we were in the middle of a game.

“Yeah, of course...” Louis answered him and then turned his attention towards me. “…but we are doing this again later, I’ve got a few things to teach you.”

I told him I would, and then used Niall as an excuse to get off the couch and Harry’s arm off my shoulder.

“No funny business Horan.” Harry said and I turned to look at him, only to notice that he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and then smiled a little at Niall. I moved my eyes to Niall to see if he too thought there was something weird with the situation, but he just rolled his eyes at Harry’s comment and then gestured for me to follow him.

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