Chapter 20 - Denial

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The doorbell rang and that's when I first realised that I was awake. It was louder than usual, and that made me understand that I hadn't been sleeping in my own bedroom, or in anyone else's for that matter. The first my eyes met when I opened them was the colour white, and I soon discovered that it was Niall's t-shirt.

I assumed he had been too tired to walk upstairs to his bedroom last night and since I already was asleep on the couch he had just decided to join me. I wondered what the others thought about it, if they had noticed. Did they suspect anything yet?

The sound of someone running down the stairs and out into the hall made me wonder who was ringing the doorbell this early on a Saturday morning. Then again, I wasn't quite sure how early it actually was.

I heard voices, but they were too far away for me to hear what they said and who they belonged to. I didn't even know if the person or the people were anyone I knew.

"I think she's still asleep, but you can just wait in the living room. I'm sure she'll wake up soon." I recognized the voice as Harry's, but why would someone come to meet me? Or was it me... the girls had stayed over, it didn't have to be me, but they were coming into the living room soon, maybe I should get up.

I heard footsteps approaching the living room and tried to pull myself out of Niall's arms, but to no avail, Niall wouldn't let go. The only thing he did was to pull me closer again.

"Niall..." I said, trying to get him to let go off me as I heard the footsteps getting even closer.

"Don't go, please... stay." He whispered and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek before he nuzzled into my neck, it didn't seem as he had heard the others yet. A medium loud cough drew my attention away from Niall and what my eyes met was definitely not what I had expected to. I knew the cough had sounded all too familiar for it to be just a random person, but I couldn't understand how it could be him.

"Dad!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face, completely forgetting about what he just witnessed, what they all had just witnessed.

"Dad?" Niall asked, and when I returned my gaze to his he wore a confused expression. It disappeared when he looked up and discovered my dad though, and changed into a kind of a slightly terrified expression as he let go off me and sat up.

I stood up and went around the couch to where my parents were stood and first put my arms around my dad hugging him. "I missed you so much." I told him, but it came out muffled into his shoulder.

"I missed you to honey." He answered and let go off me so that I could hug my mother as well, something I gladly did.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked as my mother let go off me and took a step back smiling at them. I had no idea what they were doing here, or how they got here, I was just happy they were.

My gaze suddenly landed on Harry who was stood a couple of meters behind my parents and was giving Niall a disapproving nod and shaking his head, probably enjoying what had just happened. A small laugh suddenly left my mouth at the thought of Niall's face once he noticed my father. He had looked kind of terrified, and I guess it made some kind of sense.

"Well, we wanted to visit our little girl." My dad answered and smiled at me before his gaze went past me for a couple of seconds before it returned. "And um... the people she lives with."

"We have already met Harry." My mother added and I received a smile and a nod from him as my mother continued. "He was the one who invited us over."

"He did?" I asked her surprised and then looked at Harry again. I didn't expect him to be the kind of person to just invite someone's family over. Then again I had told him I missed my parents after the Skype call we had with them, maybe he wanted to do something nice for me. "He hasn't told me anything." I told them with a small laugh and that's when Niall suddenly came to my mind again.

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