Turning of Time: Chapter 4

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__Sara Pov__

Living with Kakashi wasn't all that bad. He had a good sized house, with three bedrooms. He obviously had his own room, while the two boys shared, and I bunked with Ayaka.

I can't say Kakashi was a bad host necessarily, but he was kinda quite at first, and didn't really talk to us much. As the month progressed though I could tell he warmed up to us, and certainly with the three kids, it was almost like he was their father.

My thoughts turned to the academy, and I thought of my first day there.


I walked into the classroom to see that I was one of the first ones there. I walked up to the teacher at the front of the class.

"Hello, my name is Sara. I'm new to the village and decided to enroll in the academy, I'll be your student from now on."

He hesitated a moment. It was obvious that I was the most well mannered kid he had taught, and in the next few seconds he voiced that exact thought. "Well then Sara, it is nice to meet you. You seem to be well mannered, and I think we will get along great. My name is Iruka." He smiled kindly, little did he know though that I was only nice to make a good first impression.

"Do you have any specific spot you would like me to sit?" I mixed some innocence into my voice.

"We have a few open seats," He pointed to three spots I could choose from, "You can pick any of them."

"Alright then, I'll take the one up front!"

He smiled at my fake enthusiasim, "Eager to learn are we?"

"You could say that..." You could say a lot of other things as well, but that wouldn't make them true.

"Speaking of, do you have any training or knowledge on being a ninja?"

"I have been trained in the basics, could you give me some scrolls that could catch me up to the class?"

"Sure thing, just wait here while I go to get them."

While he was out of the room I set my trap up. It had multipul steps, but based on his personality that I got from talking to him, I think that he will fall for each step perfectly.

As I sat in my desk the blonde haired kid from yesterday walked up.

"Hey, um..."

"Sara," I held out a hand. "and you are?"

"Naruto Uzumaki," He said taking the outstretched hand. "So could I ask why there was a very angry ninja chasing you yesterday? Because, even though it was funny, I was pretty confused."

"Yeah, sorry about that, talk about first impressions right? Anyways, I stole his favorite book and read what was in it."

"He was mad over that?" Naruto questioned.

"No, I think the part that made him mad was after I read it I ripped it into confetti, threw it in a trash bin, and blew it up with a paper bomb..." I said thoughtfully.

"What!? Why would you do that!?"

"Let's just say... I thought it a little... uninteresting?"

"Whatever then." He walked off to the back of the room and I started to doodle until Iruka came back.

"These scrolls will catch you up. If you don't understand anything you can ask me. I can also recommend that you ask Sakura, she has the highest marks in the class."

"Thank you Iruka-sensei!"

I opened the scrolls and started to look over them, some of the stuff I already knew, most of it was stuff I felt like I had already learned though, almost like a refresher or something. A couple of the scrolls held stuff that was news to me. I had some trouble with that and didn't want to ask Iruka at all, so I thought I would seek Sakura out later after class.

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