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Hello all you reader folks,

So a few chapters back, I posted a message concerning the future of the story. Specifically if I was going to rewrite this. I finally came to a decision, and yes, I will. The book seems choppy at best, probably mainly because it was one of my first stories. Now don't go flipping out or anything, or thinking this will disappear immediately.

My plan is to, starting right now since summer is starting, begin rewriting chapter by chapter. I won't post the chapters in this story, it will be a seperate one. When I've gotten to a point where I believe that it would be a good choice to take down this story, I'll do so. Some of you might think I'm just some drama queen, and I might be, but I want my stories to be the best they can be. I'm sorry if you really like the story, but well... it isn't your story, so stuff it? I mean that in a nice way, because that means you like it. I'll update again soon when I have the first few chapters out.

Sorry again for any inconvinience this causes or whatever. It shouldn't be too long before it is up. Thank you for your support, and I hope you'll support the rewritten version just as much as you have this one.


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