Turning of Time: Chapter 41

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__Sara Pov__

I had been training with Kari a ton lately. I've already gotten almost all my memories back to me. It had been a rather long process, but within those memories were skills that I had no idea I even had. Tomorrow I would be telling Shikamaru about my past, for now though I was wandering Konoha. Kari had graciously given me an hour break from training.

Turning a corner I heard a rather loud, overly familiar voice. It was Naruto, and he was currently having a conversation with Sakura. Only odd thing? He was practically Hinata, as emabarresed and overall shy as he was acting. I hesitated a moment, wondering if I should turn around and ignore this, after all, I was still quite a ways from them, about a block. I almost turned away. Almost.

Then a flash of white hair just beyond the corner of the fence they were near caught my eye. Not just any white hair either, it was long and way spikey. Either Kakashi spent way too long not cutting his hair and I hadn't noticed, or this was the legendary Sanin, Jiraya.

My instinct told me the latter, so I did the only logical thing. I kicked him.

Now you may be asking, why? That was simple, and the answer is revenge. When I was with Kari one day we had gone to a hotsprings. Let's just say I happened to notice a certain man peeping into the woman's bath. At the time Kari had held me back, saying not to make a scene. Unluckily for Jiraya, Kari wasn't here right now.

Having caught him mostly unawares I almost landed the kick to the side of his head. He managed to block it on instinct, but he didn't expect the force and athority I had put behind it. He went flying up into the lower branches of a tree and hung there after his clothing caught. Naruto let out a squeak of fear, but I could tell it wasn't from my actions. Sakura was currently yelling at him, and even with my new training I don't like Sakura when she's angry.

Jiraya finally regained sense and looked down at me. Suddenly his face got a blush on it and his nose became bloody. I was confused for about 2 seconds before I realized that from his position he could see straight down my shirt. Blushing furiously I threw a kunai that cut his clothing, kneeing him in the face as he fell.


That Naruto did notice, and remarked upon the scene as he rounded the corner along with a curious Sakura. "Sara, what are you doing?"

I looked up at him with an innocent, if not slightly scary, face. "I'm simply getting a little revenge on a peeping tom."

"Er... right then."

Jiraya finally snapped out of his daze, "Oh... I remember you. How about I take you to my place to apologize."

"Really?" I gave him an innocent gaze and held my hands in a close resemblance of a pleading gesture.

He laughed creepily and put an arm around me, "Of course, just follow me, we'll even go out for a little food."

Naruto had a look of utter disgust on his face, and seemed about to say something. Sakura, bless her innocent soul, had a look of complete confusion. Both expressions turned to shock and surprise as I punched upward harshly, knocking Jiraya out.

"If he thinks I'm a stupid girl, he has another thing coming." I looked down at him in disgust. I turned my attention back to my two old teammates, "How have you two been?"

Sakura recovered first, while Naruto went to poke Jiraya with a stick. "I'm doing good. How has training been progressing Sara?"

"Good, I feel like I've been training for years," which I have, "and I know I've gotten a lot stronger."

"Me too, beleive it! You'll have a tough time beating me when I get done with Neji, Sara!" Naruto turned to me with fire in his eyes. He then grabbed Jiraya's torn collar and started to drag him off.

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