Turning of Time: Chapter 6

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__Sara Pov__

I sat outside and watched the other kids rejoicing with their parents, so happy that they were finally ninja. There was one kid however that sat to the side on a swing looking depressed, and it was of course Naruto. I had expected him not to pass, the bunshin no jutsu was by far his worst. I figured I could go talk to him though, seeing as I had no parents here.

"Hey Naruto, what's up?"

"...I failed again..."

"I kinda figured. What went wrong?"

"Well I did the jutsu and a... less then perfect clone appeared. Mizuki-sensei probably would have passed me, but Iruka-sensei said that kind of a clone would just get me killed and failed me."

"Maybe you ca-" I cut off when Mizuki walked over. Everything about him seemed to scream untrustworthy.

"Excuse me Sara, I would like to have a word with Naruto."

"Well he's sitting right there." I was misunderstanding on purpose, and he seemed to understand that. He put a fake smile on his face regardless though.

"Sara, you and I both know that I meant alone."

I looked at him thinking. Finally I turned and started to walk away, however I took no more than ten steps before following after Naruto and Mizuki.

_This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption_

I hid on the roof while the two guys talked. I heard Mizuki say something about Naruto being able to still graduate, when I arrived. I came a few minutes after they started talking so that they would be too engrossed in the conversation to notice.

"There is a way to still graduate Naruto."

"What?! What is it? Why wasn't I told sooner?"

"Because it's really difficult, harder even than the exam. It would take someone with lots of guts to pull off." I could tell from his tone that he was lying through his teeth. What was he up to?

"I'll do anything! Tell me please Mizuki-sensei!"

"It's actually simple sounding. You have to sneak into the Hokage's building, and grab the scroll of sealing. It's a giant scroll with a lot of different jutsu in it. If you can get the scroll and learn one jutsu from it before you're found, you can graduate. I even know a place you can go to practice the jutsu."

"Where is it?"

I tuned out slightly then, I would be following Naruto while he did this, once he got to where he would be going, I could go and get Iruka. Eventually they both ran off and I slipped off the roof, following Naruto.


I have to admit, I was a little surprised Naruto actually got the scroll out of the building. That just proved he had a little worth as a ninja, even though he was unpredicatble.

He ended up going into a clearing in the forest, and if you didn't think about where he could hide and went searching randomly through the village you would never find him. I watched Naruto in the clearing as he opened the scroll and started practicing the first jutsu he came to.

After memorizing the location I went to find Iruka. Maybe I should give him an oppouratunity to practice the jutsu, it wouldn't do any harm after all. Though when they do go looking for him... I'll give Iruka a hint that if he thinks about it, he'll most likely find us soon after.

So thinking I almost ran into him from distraction.

"Oh? Well this is rare! Why are you in such a rush Sara?"

"I'm not necesarily in a rush, I just wanted to tell you something."

"What would that be Sara?"

"Just that... well the forest holds a lot of secrets, ya know?"

He looked at me questioningly, but I guess he could tell I wouldn't elaborate any further.

"Alright then Sara, I'll see you tomorrow when I assign your groups."

"Sounds good, see you later Iruka-sensei." I turned to walk off, but he stopped me again.

"Um... Sara?" I looked back at him and he continued, "This doesn't have anything to do with one of your pranks does it?"

I laughed for a while before responding, "No, your safe for now."

With that I ran off to find Naruto again. I was bored, and had nothing better to do, I could watch him train for a while.


Turns out watching someone train for hours on end gets totally and completely boring. I watched failure after failure from Naruto, with absolutely no end in sight. It was saddening really.

I thought about helping him, but in the long run I knew it would be better if he did it himself. By now I had memorized the handsigns and was itching to try the technique. I walked off in a direction for a minute and tried the jutsu.

Out popped four more of me, it really wasn't that hard. With that I returned to Naruto and my watching.

Still nothing happened, but I could wait. While I was waiting in the shadows of the trees I started to think of jutsus. I wonder if I could make-up my own jutsu. It might be hard, but I would be the only one to know it, and that might come in handy later. Maybe I would ask my team leader about it.

I grew bored and started singing in my mind and spaced out, I hope something happens soon.

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