Turning of Time: Chapter 27

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__Sara Pov__

The night at the hospital was the most boring thing ever. I sat with my team while I mended my clothes and worked on the bow. They chattered on about nothing until it was finally time for them to leave, for which I was thankful.

I was still working on the bow, it was half done by now and I hoped that I could use it soon. This one took so much longer to make, but I was going for quality. I wanted a bow that could last for at least a year. The one I made on the road with the kids had been a temporary affair from the start, and though I could just replace the bowstring it wouldn't last much longer than a month.

When I had gone to sleep in the hospital I had expected more dreams like the one I had when I took the nap earlier. Whether it was lucky or unlucky I had no such dreams and spent the night dreamless.

The dream from earlier had faded almost completely now, and what I did remember was hazy and most likely unaccurate. I don't know why I held onto the dream so much, but the feeling that it was important stayed so I didn't let it drift off.

Right now I was leaving the hospital, hopefully to never be admitted again, and heading to the house. When I got there I noticed the yard had been cleaned and there was a tarp stuck over the window I had broken. There was no sign of Kakashi or the kids, so I picked up my gear and left to Gai's team.

The thought of joining up into Gai's team was something I looked upon with trepadition. I knew that they had all been training a year longer than I had, but with him as a teacher... how messed up were they really? Sure they had helped me hide and escape Kakashi, and let me burn his stupid book, but still. All I could hope for was that one of them would be normal.

I arrived at the training grounds they had set for a meeting place, unfortunately it seemed I was early. Surprisingly though, I wasn't the first one there, Lee was. He was currently kicking one of the practice logs and didn't notice when I approached him.

"Hey Lee, it's been a while," I greeted him warmly.

He turned to face me and the look in his eyes brightened considerably. "Sara! It really has been a while! Kakashi didn't kill you after all?" He ran over excited and I was reminded of a puppy that seriously had to pee. His eyes were just so big, I couldn't help the comparison.

"Nah, thanks to you guys I'm still alive," I grinned happily at the memory, "you're here pretty early."

"Of course! I've been here for 4 hours already!" He grinned and gave me a thumbs up like it was comletely normal to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to train before farmers got up to milk cows.

I just stared at him for a while, the bag I had on my back that contained my lunch and half finished bow sliding off my shoulder. Eventually I recovered enough to reply though. "Well with how hard you train, I will probably pale in comparison."

His eyes lit up like a puppy's again, and he turned them on me. "Really? Do you really think so?" He stepped in closer until he was seriously in my personal bubble. I think I can cross him off as being the normal one.

"Uh... sure. I mean if you keep up all that hard work," I grinned at him uneasily and he stood up straight, fire burning in his eyes for a while before he attacked the log with a renewed energy. I let out a noticable sigh of relief.

Of course, that was when Neji decided to show up.

"Hello again Sara, what brings you here?" He asked with his already deep voice. Someone hit puberty early.

"Oh, hey Neji. I think I'll go ahead and explain once everyone gets here." He just nodded at my reply and went to sit under a tree.

I let him walk off and picked my bag back up. Deciding that I could talk to him I went and leaned against the tree next to him.

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