New Cover?

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I know you might get really excited because I'm finally putting something up on this story, but no, the rewritten chapters are not yet up. Sorry! I know it's been a while since I began rewriting. Anywhore, on to what I really wanted to talk about.

So if you noticed in the title, there is a question mark preceded by 'new cover,' and if you haven't guessed, then I don't know what you're doing. So basically, I suck at making covers, epically. Just look at the cover of this story if you want an example. I was wondering if any of you people who read this... or will read the rewrite, would be willing to make one. If you do, here are some things that you don't have to include, but I figured would be good for you to know:

Sara's image doesn't change much, basically, she has long, mid-back, blond hair which she will typically knot up into a bun. She wears a green turtleneck like shirt. It comes up over her face like a mask, but the sleeves are cut off at the shoulder. It fits tight up top, and comes to a V just under her breasts. It also flows from that v back into a swallow tail design. She also has tighter, but not skin tight, grey-green shorts that stop just below mid thigh. Fishnet leggings and quarter-sleeve shirt... Left handed... yeah. Still has that bow.

Don't forget Junichi, Daiki, and Ayaka. Or do, you're making the cover. Dai has brown hair and eyes, and wears a red quarter sleeve top with silvery-grey shorts. Junichi has really dark green-blue, almost black, hair and coppery colored eyes and wears a baggy dark grey top and black pants tied with bandages at the bottom. Ayaka has that rainbow polka-dot dress from the story, as well as reddish-pink hair and changing eye colors. 

Feel free to include anything that you see fit. If I end up using your cover that you create, I'll dedicate the first chapter and give a shout out. Not much else I can do as a poor highschooler. Anywhore, um... There was something else important... Title! I'm changing it~! Much as I like ToT it has become Traveler. Plain and simple. So I hope I get some awesome covers, and it won't be too much longer until the rewrite... Hopefully... ^.^'


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