Turning of Time: Chapter 1

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So, I almost totally forgot to put this in, but I don't own Naruto, I only own the few characters that I made. You already knew I didn't own it though, probably, since it is a fanfic. This is the only time I'll put the disclaimer, but it applies for all my chapters. I'm not going to ramble at the end of the chapters this time, but please comment and stuff... So now, without further ado, let the story start!

__Sara Pov__(Pronounced as sah-rah)

I woke up groggily, looking around me. I was in a clearing in a dense green forest, with almost no idea how I had gotten there. I had memories, vague ones, but couldn't pinpoint one before it floated off.

I thought for a moment, trying to remember. My name is Sara, I'm 12 years old... Then some more vague things... I was a ninja, or maybe I was training, but I had a feeling I was strong... What I did know was that I had golden blond hair going to about my shoulder blades and gray eyes flecked with blue... I remembered that at least.

I was wearing a purple shirt with a long-sleeved fishnet shirt underneath as well as a black skirt with fishnet leggings, sandals, a purple glove and a black mask. The clothing all seemed a little oversized though. I would have to get new clothes.

I looked around again, noticing, for the first time, three little kids in the clearing as well. They looked dead!

Panicked, I ran to one flipping him over and checking for a pulse. I felt one, and I was relieved. I gathered the three together and tried to wake them up. They seemed familiar somehow... like I knew them already.

I got one to wake up and he sat there groggily before going wide eyed. He seemed to be about 6 or 7 and had dark grey hair, unusual for his age and deep blue eyes.

He sat there looking at me before saying, "hello onee-chan! What's your name?"

"I'm Sara little one, may I ask your name?" I smiled.

"I'm Daiki! You can call me Dai!"

"Could you help me get the other two up Dai? They seem to be asleep."

Together me and Daiki awoke the other two kids, one was a little girl the other a little boy, they also seemed about the same age.

I sat down. "Good morning you two! May I ask your names? I'm Sara."

The little boy looked up at me and said, "I'm Junichi." He seemed a little solemn and wore glasses, he also had reddish brown hair and green eyes, but with yellow mixed in, almost like snake eyes.

I looked to the little girl. She seemed scared of me, but spoke up nonetheless mumbling, "Ayaka." She was a cute little thing. She had purple hair with pink streaks running through it and eyes that seemed to shift colors, never settling in one for more than a few seconds.

I looked at them thoughtfully. "So we have Dai, Jun, and Aya! Nice to meet you all."

Ayaka looked at me seeming upset. "DON'T CALL ME AYA! I AM AYAKA!"

She said it with such vehemence that I was taken aback.

"Sorry Ayaka! I won't call you Aya anymore I promise."

She looked relieved after that.

Suddenly Jun spoke up, "Sara, why are you wearing a mask?"

I thought a moment, before remembering I wore it to hide a long scar that went from back behind my right ear curving along my cheek and reaching to just past the middle of my chin. I couldn't place where I got it from, but I was sure I didn't want to remember.

I didn't tell him that though, instead saying, "I don't know, I just like it!" I said with a closed eye smile.

"Alright!" He seemed to accept the answer.

Looking at them closely I notice that their clothes were really big as well. I noticed a few packs sitting by a tree at the edge of the clearing. Looking in them I noticed one had a needle and thread in it, as well as some weapons like kunai and shuriken in each one, there was a sword to the side. Taking the needle and a kunai I walked toward the children.

"Come here and let me fix your clothes so they fit right," I said as I noticed them backing away.

Daiki was the first to come over. I fashioned his clothes so that he was wearing a ripped gray 'tanktop' and some black pants that I hemmed from the too big shorts he was wearing.

Next I went to Junichi and cut his red shirt to 3/4 sleeves and had to cut the blue gray pants on him to knee length shorts.

Lastly I went to Ayaka and made her pink skirt tighter around her waist so it wouldn't slip and cut some of the bottom off the pink cap sleeved shirt she wore.

I couldn't do anything for the shoes they wore they would just have to put up with them. We would definitly need to get clothes for them at least.

I returned the stuff to the packs and found a map and compass. Someone had marked what looked like our location on the map, and it appeared that some village was a few days walk from here. I folded the map and put it back.

I felt a presence behind me and looked to see Dai.

"I'm huuuungryyyy!" He whined pitifully.

I sighed and rummaged around in the packs, finding some bread and handing it out to everyone, I ate some as well.

I took inventory, we had food to last us until we hopefully could find the village, lots of water, weapons, bandages, and a map. I took the four packs and put a little food in three as well as one kunai each. In one of those I also put the map. Taking the fourth I put the rest of the food in there as well as the bandages. Noticing a kunai holder I strapped it on my right leg, and taking the sword I buckled it onto my left hip. I had a feeling I could use the weapons if the need appeared.

Then I gathered the kids who had started to play tag.

"Alrighty you three, we're going on a trip, ok?" Some nods, so I went on, "I need you three to all carry these backpacks while we walk, we're going to be a few days, but then we'll reach a fun village! So let's get started!"

They all cheered and we walked off, with them chattering excitedly the whole way.

Turning of Time (Naruto Fanfic) [hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now