Turning of Time: Chapter 13

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__Sara Pov__

Yeah, so I officially hate puddles. Why you ask? No, I wasn't splashed, and no I didn't step in one and get my shoes wet. It's because of the stupid rain ninjas that came out of one and attacked us. The fight didn't last long at all, in fact it was pretty easy.

We had walked by the seemingly 'innocent' puddle escorting Tazuna. I didn't show any sign that I knew the trap for what it was, but I noticed Kakashi had picked up on it as well. Out of 'nowhere' they attacked Kakashi and crushed a log. They didn't notice the substitution and charged Naruto and Tazuna.

Naruto had frozen in fear... of course! "Naruto, snap out of it!" I yelled as I took my sword out and charged toward the ninja attacking Naruto. I would barely make it in time to block the attack. I charged into the space between the two.

The rain ninja attacked with a claw on the end of a chain, it just had to be a chain, worst match up for a sword. If I blocked it like normally the chain would wrap around the sword and the claw would hit me in the back, and the claw looked poisoned. I would have to try a new maneuver, but it would be both a lucky and masterly defense.

I waited for the chain to draw closer, Sakura yelled at me to get out of the way, but if I dodged Naruto would get hit, and I didn't want that. At the last moment I sidestepped, bringing my sword up horizontally. I timed it and stabbed with all my strength, thankfully we were near trees. I caught the chain right by where it attached to claw and pinned it to the tree. I had caught it close enough that it didn't swing back to much and I easily dodged it when it did.

Unfortunately he threw a kunai at Naruto who still stood there frozen. I wouldn't make it in time, so I reached into my holster and grabbed one of my own to throw it off course, I managed it and the kunai just scraped his hand, instead of piercing his heart like it would have otherwise. By then Kakashi had came back and finished them both off. I hoped Sakura and Sasuke were alright.

I looked over and Sakura was in front of Tazuna, both of whom were behind Sasuke. They were both unharmed, which was a major relief.

"Thanks Kakashi, wasn't sure how much longer I could have protected him... As it is their weapons are poisoned."

"Not a problem Sara, good reflexes. You too Sakura and Sasuke. Sorry you got injured Naruto, I didn't expect you to freeze up like that."

"Are you alright, Scaredy cat?" Sasuke taunted.

I watched as Naruto pulled out a kunai and stabbed himself, releasing the poison... and most likely making him loose a heck of a lot of blood.

"Well it's nice that you got the poison out Naruto, but now you're in danger of dying from blood loss." Kakashi said seriously.

"Alright, I'll bandage your hand spikes, Kaka-baka you go talk to the master drunkard about the ninja that are hunting him for whatever reason." I offered and ordered. Kakashi obeyed and nodding walked off a little ways with Tazuna.

I walked towards Naruto and took bandages out of my bag. I cleaned and wrapped his rapidly healing hand. My guess was it was because of the fox spirit I found out about because of Mizuki.

Whatever Tazuna said made Kakashi decide to go on with the mission and the rest of the way to the boat that would take us in to the land of waves was quiet and uneventful. Kakashi had left the two ninja chained to a tree, and I'm sure they either got free by themselves or some comrades freed them, either way they most likely weren't going to be staying there to die.

The boat ride across to the land of waves was nice. It was peaceful, if you ignored Naruto's shouts. I half listened to the explanations and just trailed my hand in the water as we went along, enjoying the gentle rocking of waves.

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