Turning of Time: Chapter 33

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__3rd Pov__

The group slowly approached the camp of bandits. They had sent a hawk out about an hour ago, informing the Hokage of the situation.

The original two man cells had been rethought and now the teams were as follows: Sasuke with Naruto, Sakura with Choji, Ino with Asuma, and Kakashi with Shikamaru. They all had their orders and at a signal they dispersed.

Kakashi and Shikamaru went to one of the walls that was less gaurded. Once they arrived Kakashi used one of his earth style jutsu to dig under the wall. They silently stole their way through the camp, dodging torches and men who sat outside talking in the night. There were few senetries and they managed to make their way to the base of the tower without incident.

They began scaling the tower and weren't even halfway when they heard a shout from below. Someone had finally spotted them, and that was what they were hoping for. At the shout the entire camp went into a panic, running toward the tower. This also triggered something else, the signal to the other three groups to start their distractions.

Choji began his human boulder jutsu and broke down the wall that Kakashi and Shikamaru had been at no more than 10 minutes ago. At the same time, Asuma released a jutsu on the opposite wall completly breaking it into pieces that went flying. Naruto and Sasuke, who didn't know their rasengan or chidori yet, were at the front gates and kicked them in.

The men on the ground paused, confused as to where to go. They turned from direction to direction until finally, forgeting the two on the tower, they went to face the outside threat.

Kakashi and Shikamaru were, by now, almost at the window described by Ino. There were bars on the window, but Kakashi pulled out a kunai and cut through them. (Don't ask how, I'm saying he put chakra into it)

Kakashi was the first through the window, ready for any attack. There were 5 men on that floor total and Kakashi quickly took them all out. Shikamaru appeared through the window only seconds after Kakashi, but was unable to join in the fight. They wasted no time on conversation and headed off to the right, where a flight of stairs leading up could be seen. Two men stood gaurd at one of the doors and they assumed that to be where Sara was held.

In a flash Kakashi knocked both of those men out as well, causing them to fall limp to the floor. Then they turned their attention to the heavy wooden door. They heard a grunt of surprise from behind it, and at that instant Shikamaru kicked the door open.

They stood face to face with Sara, who was still tied to the post and a man who held her up in front of him like a shield. Sara saw them and registered who it was, but then a flash of pain crossed her face and almost fell to the floor. The man, unprepared for the sudden movement was caught off gaurd, clutching at her he leaned down too.

Using the moment of distraction Shikamaru quickly formed his handsigns. His shadow stretched out and stopped the man's movements. Kakashi ran over and stopped Sara's fall before she hit the ground.

"Kagemane no Jutsu seiko(Shadow paralysis jutsu success)," he stated happily.

The man, though unable to move, still shot a glare in his direction. He didn't speak at all however, just kept the poisonous look in his eyes.

Sara looked at him from her position on the floor, "no shit Sherlock. Where's Watson?" There was a certain amount of venom in her voice. Shikamaru didn't respond.

Then Sara coughed and Kakashi noticed the bandages that were slowly being dyed red around her torso. "Sara, you're hurt," he stated in worry.

She rolled her eyes dramatically, "guess I just found Watson." She subsided into another fit of coughs after saying this however.

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