Turning of Time: Chapter 26

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__Sara Pov__

I made Shika leave the room as they began their work on my wounds. I didn't want him to worry, and it would be easier if he weren't there anyways. It was tough enough just coming here with my teammates, but having to be treated myself? Ugh.

Now don't get me wrong, it isn't hospitals that scare me (unless it's the middle of the night) in fact, I'm not scared at all. I just don't like them. Something about them just seemed unnatural. The hospital was just... too clean. It didn't shine and sparkle, but the smell of the cleaning chemicals and the pure white everything made it seem too much like an asylunm or a horrid torture room.

I sat there silently as they worked. I had talked them into not putting me under while they worked, I liked to be alert. I would wince from time to time as they pulled out shards of glass from my multiple cuts, I guess I should take the time to open the window next time.

Finally satisfied they got all the glass out they sewed up the cuts that needed it and put bandages as well. They sewed my gash on me leg up too, and on top of that they used medical jutsu to heal it faster. A bandage went over my leg as well.

Finally all of the doctors filed out of the room but one. She was probably in her early 30's and had a vibrant face. She turned to me saying, "Well Sara there was nothing bad this time, but if anything starts to hurt, come in. Make sure you don't put excess stress on that leg either, you don't want to reopen the wound. We'll be keeping you here overnight to verify that you're healing correctly."

"Do I really have to stay here? Couldn't I go home?" I pleaded weakly. She seemed like the type who wouldn't change her mind, and I was almost sure Shika had probably spoken to her.

"I'm sure Sara. Now be good and no running away. If you run away I'll keep you here for a week," She threatened in a mock serious voice. Unfortunately she was serious, and we both knew it. Lucky for her: I didn't have a week to waste.

"Alright," I submitted. Arguing would get me nowhere. "Can you send in Shika then? And the kids? They must be worried."

She smiled genuinly at me, happy I complied. "Sure thing, I'll go get them and they'll be here in a few minutes."

I waited quietly, fidgeting in my bed. The walls were still way too monotone and the floor was bare. The dresser was slightly open, revealing my ripped clothing, I would have to sew that up tonight. My bedside table held nothing but a tray with a small cup and a bottle of medicine. I stared out the window, looking for some color over the tops of the trees. The light was fading and I could see the sun setting from where I lay. The sky was still bright, but dyed in an orange that was almost pink, the bottom of the few clouds in the sky were a deep purple, welcoming the night.

I hadn't been sitting there too long when Shika walked through the door with the 5 kids. They all ran up to my bed and climbed on to sit around me, I could see Shika chuckling a little to himself on the side.

"Sara-nee! Are you better? You aren't going to die, right?" I was bombarded with questions like this from all of the kids and I just smiled, making a slight placating gesture with my hands. One by one they quieted and I spoke up.

"No, I won't die. I'm feeling a lot better too! Practiacally 110%!"

The kids seemed relieved and after a while they climbed off the bed and started to play some game about looking into eachothers eyes. It was kinda weird, and me and Shika just watched them for a while.

Eventually he broke the silence between us. "So you're doing better?"

"I wasn't lying when I told the kids that. I feel fine, really. Nothing to worry about, besides the nurse said I would be out of here tomorrow morning." I supplied him with detail so he would stop worrying so much.

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