Turning of Time: Chapter 9

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__Sara Pov__

So... By now I learned about 4 more things. Naruto recovers very fast. Sakura actually loves pranks, and seems to have two different sides. Naruto is also very impatient and loud (Knew that already though, this just confirmed it). Lastly, Sasuke never talks, like, EVER.

Wait! I forgot one more thing! Yeah, our sensei is late as all anything.

"That's it!" That was the sentence that pulled me out of my thoughts. Naruto walked over to the blackboard and grabbed an eraser, jamming it in the door so it was partially open.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Sakura asked that sounding annoyed, inside though I knew she loved it.

"That's what he gets for being so late! Even Iruka left!"

"You know, its a very crude prank, it lacks class. We don't even know if he'll fall for it." It really was kinda pathetic, I could do way better and I made sure to let them know it.

"He won't fall for it, he's an elite Jonin."

"Yeah!" Of course Sakura was siding with Sasugay.

The conversation ended there though as I pointed toward the door. They looked and saw a hand wrap around the door. I had sensed the chakra approaching earlier, and I knew who was at the door.

Sure enough Kakashi's head popped in the door and the eraser bopped onto his head.

"My first impression... I don't like you guys."

"Well that's harsh Kakashi. I mean as far as first impressions go though, it isn't your first impression of me, so I guess I'm good."

He sighed when he saw me, its not like I overly annoy him, but I do know how to push his buttons. "Well anyways, lets head to the roof for introductions."

As we were walking up I fell in step with Kakashi.

"You let the eraser hit you so they would underestimate you in the coming test, didn't you?"

"While that is true, and I'm not surprised you figured that out, can I ask how you came to the conclusion?"

"Well for starters, you are a jonin of the leaf, so even if you didn't know about the prank, you could have dodged. Of course with how loud we were being you heard about the prank as you were walking in the building and probably saw the eraser in the door jam. You stopped just before you came in sight, probably thinking something though. With all that you still were hit by the eraser, making them slightly underestimate you. The only reason you would want them to underestimate you is if you wanted to test their skills. That's about it."

"Just as I thought, clear with your thought process and observant. You'll make a good ninja."

"Obviously, I'm just wondering if you'll be reading your stupid book while you fight them, I'm going to put a bet on yes."

"I notice how you don't include me reading the book when I fight you. Which I won't even ask how you knew I was going to do that."

"Of course I'll fight you, but most likely I'll put a little pressure on you, that and I'll aim at your book with kunai's trying to cut it in half. Although..."

"Although what?"

"Well I would tell you, but it seems we're already at the roof. I'll just leave you guessing." I smirked and walked outside ahead of him.

__Kakashi Pov__

I must admit I was a little shocked at how well she read through all of that. She walked off smirking, and I was slightly curious as to what she would have said. I had known and lived with her for a while now, and she always seemed to know exactly what I was going to do, even with my more secret missions, and that was all with just what I packed!

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