Turning of Time: Chapter 19.b

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--This chapter is labeled 19.b mainly because it has only slight correlation with the story and is sorta just a filler. The story is just one day after chapter 19 and is about Sara and them at Kakashi's house with the kids. It holds some pertinence to the story, and it is recommended that you read it, but it may be unnecessary. Please enjoy!--

__Sara Pov__

Well, it turns out that the kids actually had started training with jutsu. Also, like predicted, without Shika, Choji, and Naruto there I would have been a tad overwhelmed. Naruto wasn't a huge help though...

We split the kids into four groups of two, eventually though Hibiko left Konohamaru and Naruto to their pervy battle and came to my group. The basic idea is us four genin watched the kids henge no jutsu and gave them tips and pointers.

Daiki, Hibiko, Udon, and Naoko had a little trouble with chakra control, but the pointers we gave them seemed to help them improve. Soon all the kids were exhausted from their chakra use, and they went home with their parents who came to pick them up. I talked with all their parents for a while and they thanked my for helping their kids study. I in turn told them it was no problem, and that I actually enjoyed teaching the kids, and that was, in fact, the honest to goodness truth.

After putting Ayaka, Junichi, and Daiki to bed I went to hang out with my friends.

"You know Sara, you really are pretty awesome with kids," Naruto commented.

"Yeah, it's like you're their mom or sister," Choji added.

I sighed when they said that. "Why does everyone think that I'm like a mom? I don't see myself that way at all."

Shika looked at me like I was nuts. "You know Sara, even though you know others personalities really well, you still have no clue as to what yours is." The other two boys nodded in agreement.

I sat up quickly, "That is so not true! I know my own personality well enough! I just don't think that I'm the motherly type."

They all looked at me like I was insane. "You? You are the most motherly person I know, short of any actual mothers." Choji commented.

"Yeah! You have eight kids with you! You are super motherly, believe it!" Do I even have to tell you who said that?

By now my blush was a bright pink from the compliments they threw at me. I turned my head before responding in a mumble, "You guys are all insane..."

"Oh? Sara, could it be that now you're embarrassed?" Shika caught on to my discomfort and used it to needle me a little.

"Shut up you pineapple."

"Sara! Are you blushing!?" Naruto asked loudly. I saw a flutter in Kakashi's window, and I knew he was watching and listening to us now.

"NO! Shut up Spikes! You too pineapple!" I ordered almost frantically, luckily they didn't notice the tone.

"You know Sara, I really do think you are blushing..." Choji added in.

"Choji! I thought you were on my side for a minute there!" I complained.

They all seemed to stop and stare at me, then they went and made a huddle. What in the world is that all about? Eventually they turned to face me though, with way too innocent expressions.

"Hey, Sara... do you want my rice ball?" Choji offered. Now this would have been completely fine in normal circumstances with normal people, but this fit neither of the criteria. This was Choji and the last rice ball, something was seriously off.

"Um... Thank you for the offer Captain Underpants, but I'd rather not thanks." I answered hesitantly.

He didn't respond to the nickname, this was getting way too weird now.

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