Chapter 25

52 11 5

Important message in the A/N 😊😊

They would never do such a thing would they now? That's stupid. I'll just call back and they'll pick up its just....oh It's 11
Dania tried to be optimistic about what was coming next. Even though she knew that something was wrong. It was like she could feel it. There was this feeling in the pit of her stomach, this emptiness. This couldn't be.

"Did he pick up?" Salma's voice startled Dania bringing her out of her thoughts.
"No. But I'm sure he will" she faked a smile
"Hey there, don't you fake it with me. I've known you your whole life."she let out a little laugh remembering that time
"You've been through what I am going through right now. Any advice?" She said and then she felt that terrible hotness in her cheeks and then she felt her eyes burn. She couldn't explain how much she hated crying.
"Yes. Just be strong. These are just three words but once you get a hold of them, you'll do wonders"
"Thanks. I'll try calling him again"

He picked up. Thank god
She thought
"Hey Farhan, it's 11 already? Where is Amna? Is she okay? When are you bringing her back?" Dania piled him with questions
"Yes she okay and no I'm not bringing her back home" he replied coldly
"Wh..what do you mean by that?"
"She's staying here, forever may I add because first: she's the only girl in the family and second: she's the only thing we have left of Ahmed. Since you took him from us"
" can't do this" she stammered
"Of course I can. Oh my bad, you thought I was the good guy. You thought I was the one who would fight for you and stuff. Well let's just say that's not happening"
Dania could hear her heart shattering in the back of her mind and then she could hear Amna cry.
I have to take Salma's advice. I have to be strong
"You shut the hell up. I never even for a fraction of second thought of you to be my knight in shining armor. You were, you are and you always will be a coward who can't stand up to his parents but labels it as being manly. But you know what? A woman can stand up for herself and I will. I will. You hear that? I will get Amna back and I will stand up for myself because a woman is going to take a stand for herself and then it will make you feel less manly than you already feel" and with that she hung up. She was falling apart from the inside but she had to be strong. She finally had to take someone's advice. Now they will see her take Amna back

Hey there everybody. I know many of you might know that this story is in a third person form but the truth is that there is a person narrating this story and I'm not revealing anytime soon who that person is. Lol. Try and guess. Please vote and comment.

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