Chapter 2

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After I brought home the groceries and put them away, I decided to clean up the place. I'm a tidy person so I don't really like it messy.

When I was done, I looked at the time and it was nearly 5 pm. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I jumped a little, not used to having my own place before I opened it.

There were Milly smiling bright at me. 

"Hi Izzy!", she cheered. I smiled back at her, happy to have company. 

"Hi Milly, please come on in". I stepped aside for her to come in. She looked around the place before she looked at me. 

"Wow, nice place", she praised. I smiled at her shyly, not used to compliments. 

"Thanks, do you want anything to eat?".

She nodded at me. "Yes but I thought we could order pizza and get to know each other, it's too late to roam the city now anyway". 

I nodded and almost blushed at her, "Wow she wants to get to know me, no one's ever been interested in me and my life before",  I thought to myself. "Yeah that sounds great".

She clapped her hands in excitement. "Alright I'll order the pizza, we can see the city tomorrow if you want? I got my day off anyway". 

I smiled widely at her. "Yes that sounds great".


We were now placed on the sofa lazily, the pizza were long gone and we had talked for hours. I got to know Milly better, she's a kindergarten teacher and has been for the past 3 years. She's lived in London her hole life. She loves animals and her favorite color is blue.

"So do you have a job here yet?", she asked me. 

I nodded in excitement, "Yeah I do actually, it's a company called Cover, who works with big fashion company's. My job is to assist the photographer with all kinds of things, but I'm guessing mostly coffee". I giggled at the last part. 

Milly looked at me with admiration, "Wow that sounds really cool, you get to be near the big shots!". I smiled and nodded at her.


It was now almost 11pm and we've talked the entire evening, and Milly was about to leave so we could get some sleep. 

She smiled at me, "I thought we could go sight seeing tomorrow and at night we could go to a nearby club. I'd like you to meet my friends and we can all hang out?". 

I smiled at her before I let out a yawn, it's not that I wasn't excited with her offer I was just really tired. "That's sounds wonderful. I'm looking forward to it".

She stood up and giggled at my yawn. "Well I better get going then, but I'll see you soon. This was really wonderful, we're really hitting it off I think". 

I stood up also and smiled at her, "Yeah I agree, I'm glad I found you". She took me in for an embrace before she told me good night and left.

I let out a sigh and smiled to myself while walking towards the bedroom. "Tomorrow's gonna be an amazing day".

Hi! Here's the next chapter for you, I promise Harry will be in the picture soon (for now on he's on top here though ;))

I want the story to be realistic that's why they haven't bumped into each other just yet. I also want you to get to know Izzy more and her friendship with Milly.

Please vote and comment your opinions they would mean a lot to me, to know if I'm on the right track or not. Or should I say if I'm working in the right direction (see what I did there? ;D)

See you soon

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