Chapter 22

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The next day I didn't know what to expect coming to work. Did everything work out for Claude? Is the company still running?

My questions were answered as I entered the building and was faced with everything as it used to be. People were heading for different directions to be able to get what ever they were after. 

As I continued into the photostudio I was met by Claude and a man I've never seen before. 

"Ah! Isabelle! I'd like you to meet our new editor. Liam Payne. Your job today and for the next month is to be by his side and assist him in the editing room."

The handsome man, who I've now learned is named Liam, gave me a bright smile and nodded at me. 

"Hi, Isabelle." 

I gave him a smile a stretched out my hand for him to shake. "Hi, my name is Isabella but you can call me Izzy," He shook my hand and nodded in response.

Claude shooed us away to the editors floor. We took the elevator up to the third floor as it was located there. We were in silence the whole way, but it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. 

As we stepped out of the elevator he showed me his own private office with many computer screens and everything else an editor needs. I don't know what half the stuff is called or used for and I've never been good with computers either, so I have no clue why I'm here actually. 

"I have no experience in these type of things, just so you know. I have no idea why I'm here actually"

He sits down in his chair behind his desk and computer and turns to me. "It's okay, you just need to assist me you I'll tell you what to do and you can give me your opinion in my editing and such. Don't worry," He gives me an assuring smile. 

I give him a smile and take a seat next to him on a chair. 

"If you are okay with it, perhaps we can get to know each other before we start? Just to know neither of us are a lunatic," he tries to joke and I giggle in response. 

"Yeah sure, but I'm not a lunatic. Just so we are clear there."

He nods and our eyes meet. I blush at his golden brown eyes, mirroring mine. He looks good. Really good. And that he have an incredibly handsome accent and dressing style doesn't make it better.

I look away from his intimidating but beautiful eyes and try to hide my blushing. "Eh, what else do you want to know? I am not an interesting girl."

He chuckles and turn on the computer, "Where are you from? I don't recognize your accent."

I let out a small sigh, I thought my accent wasn't that noticeable, "I'm from Sweden actually."

I look down on my hands and starts to fumble with them nervously. I hope he doesn't react like Milly's friend Robin at the club. 

"Sweden huh? That's a nice place, I've been there. Why did you move here of all the places?"

I look at him curiously, "You've been there? Eh, my relationship with my family and ex weren't that good so I needed to flee the country. Besides, I've always liked the UK and it's culture. "

He gives me a big smile and nods, "Yeah, I were in Stockholm for an editing education actually. Oh I'm sorry to hear that. But do you like it here so far?"

I smile. A genuine smile. I like Liam, he doesn't judge me and really wants to get to know me, for me. 

"Yeah, I love it. Unfortunately I haven't traveled that much yet, I have been working and past got a hold on me. And a guy..." I look away from him. Why am I this open with him?

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