Chapter 41

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Songs for this chapter:

Submarines - The Lumineers

Flowers in your hair - The Lumineers 

Ho Hey - The Lumineers 

Flashed Junk Mind - Milky Chance


Izzy's POV

Harry dragged me around the wonderful place of Skansen, we saw all kinds of animals, crocodiles, bears and monkeys. After we've seen everything we decided to get some food at one of the restaurants, he ordered a chicken salad with fries and I ordered the plate with nachos. The day had taken the energy out of both of us so we gulped down our food very fast. 

Just as Harry was about to tell me something my phone rang and I had to answer it. It was Julia, she wanted me to come over to the hospital because she had something important to talk to me about. I said I'll come over as soon as I could. When we hung up I looked at Harry and got a bad conscience. 

"I'm so sorry but I have to go to the hospital, Julia had something important to tell me". I bit my lip and placed my hand over his.

"It's okay, take a cab, I'll find my way back to the hotel later. Call me when you're done", he gave me a small smile. I knew he didn't like the idea of me leaving but he was understanding. 

I got up and grabbed my things before I gave him a big kiss "I love you, I'll call you later". I rushed away to get a cab. While I waited I messaged Julia that I was on my way. I was very curious about what she wanted to talk to me about. 


Harry's POV

I took a sip of my soda when Iz had left, she left in such a hurry that I hadn't thought about what I should do next. I decided to take a stroll in the city, maybe some music event is in town. 

My hair whipped in the wind so I put on my hat, damn wind.  As I walked down one of the roads I thought led to some rock bar, my thoughts wandered away. I got flashbacks of my sisters body covered in bruises and ripped clothes, a mans body lying still with a face covered entirely in blood. I shivered and shook my head to get the horrible memory away. Just when I was about to turn around the corner I bumped into a small little body. I didn't move, it was like I was a wall and a mosquito flew right into it. The little body was falling towards the ground but my body acted before my thoughts and grabbed the little thing roughly.

It was a woman, she had platina blonde hair all over her face and I couldn't see anything else, neither could she.  I held the waist with one arm whilst I moved the hair away from her face. She didn't look at me, she had an angry expression on her face and was ready to give me a big scolding. 

"What in the world are you doing! You clumsy son of a bi-, oh my god". Her blue eyes looked deeply into mine in shock. Mine must've looked like they were about to pop out of their holes. 

It was Martina.

I gulped and backed us up and released her when I made sure the was stable to stand on her own feet. She fixed her hair and gave me an inviting smile, I hope she doesn't expect anything from me. 

"Harry, what are you doing here?" she looked around us before she added "all by yourself?"

I scratched the back of my head on my hat and laughed nervously, "Yeah, well, Izzy got a call from Julia she wanted to meet her. And now eh, I am alone. I thought I could look around and find some music event of some kind". 

Martina's eyes widened in surprise before a big smile appeared on her red painted lips. "No way! I'm on my way to one of my friends gigs. They are playing at the Friends arena, do you wanna come?". 

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