Chapter 68

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Harry's POV

When I woke up the next morning Izzy wasn't in bed next to me. But a few seconds after that, she entered the room. She didn't look too good but she tried to put on a smile on her face. "How are you, Iz?" 

She just shook her head and laid down next to me in bed, "Just morning sickness, it will wear off. I just need to rest for a little bit. I'm not used to be pregnant" she chuckled at the last statement. 

I pulled her close to me and moved a string of hair away from her face, "I suggested that mum would take you out shopping today for the baptism this weekend. Do you think you're well enough for that or should I cancel?" 

Izzy's eyes widened at first in surprise before she shook her head, "No, no if that's what's planned for the day I should be able to go. But, what if I need to reach you. Where will you be in all this? Will you come with us?" she had hope in her eyes but I bit my lip, feeling guilty now. 

"No, I said to mum that I thought you two might need some alone time together, was it a bad suggestion?" If I were I dog I would've had my tail between my legs right now. Izzy sighed and just nodded, "No, you're right. We need some time to get to know each other. But will you at least have your cellphone on you if something happens? Just in case?" she looked pleading at me and I just chuckled. 

"Of course. I'll be here when you get home, and you can call me whenever you want to" I kissed her forehead gently. 

We laid in the bed for a while before we decided to get up and get dressed. I didn't know what I would do home alone, but I'll figure something out. Right now I just wanted to support Izzy and calm her down about being alone with my mum. 

"Okay, she doesn't like to talk about politics and the government, and don't get me started about her and poodles. You don't want to go there". I was sitting on the bed while Izzy made herself ready to go shopping with mum. 

She was in the middle of fixing a high ponytail when I said all that and she just laughed out loud, "What? Poodles? What's wrong with poodles?" 

I just chuckled and let out a big sigh, "She doesn't like how curly their fur is, I don't know. Just don't bring it up. And maybe you should wait with mentioning the baby. My mum is very Christian and she might not like it that we made a baby out of wedlock". I gulped and looked down at my hands in my lap. 

Izzy walked over to me and stroke her hand over my hair and I just loved that feeling. "I'll try to keep quiet, your mother seems to be able to talk for the both of us", she chuckled and I knew she was joking. 

I looked up at her and smiled a big smile, she looked lovely. She had a plain blue shirt on with a grey knitted sweater on top. She had her black skinny jeans on and her black boots. It was casual but suited well for the occasion. I kissed her goodbye, laid down on the bed and watched her walk down the stairs. 


Izzy's POV 

I took a deep breath as I got down the stairs. The many subjects that I shouldn't talk about that Harry had mention swirled around in my head and I wasn't sure I'd remember all of them. I was planning on following an old rule this time "spoke when spoken to". I didn't want to risk anything and I didn't want to be to 

"Are you ready darling? You look lovely" Harry's mum startled me and I almost slipped on the last step of the stairs. When I got back to balance I gave her a weary smile.

She thought I looked lovely. When I looked at her I swallowed hard. She looked stunning, and I felt really undressed for the occasion suddenly. 

Anne had a black, tight pencil skirt on and had a red silk shirt too who was tucked in smoothly into the skirt. To my surprise she had high black heels on and had put on rather much make up too. Her maroon lips shined brightly and I blushed a little at my natural make up and low, black boots. 

"Y-yeah I'm ready. I'm just gonna get my coat". I grabbed my navy blue coat from the hanger and my black scarf before we headed out the door. Anne was wearing a coat that matched her lips perfectly and I envied her for being so good at such things. Maybe this shopping trip wasn't going to be so bad after all. 

The drive into town wasn't long and Anne just talked about the places we passed on the way. Like, who lived there and how she knew them, if she liked them or not. I just nodded and tried to follow her rambling. 

When we got into town Anne turned off the car and turned to me, "So, what are you looking for to wear to the baptism? What is your favorite color?" she had a bright smile on her lips and I swear it was contagious because I was mirroring her. 

"Well, I don't know actually. I think I might like to wear a dress. And purple is my favorite color. Do you think we can find something that'll fit me?" my mood had changed from nervous to excited now and I couldn't wait to roam the streets with Harry's mum. 

"Oh I'm sure we will. I know every corner of this town and I have a few shops in mind for you. But first, do you want to grab a drink? We might need some fuel in our bodies before we enter the shopping streets of Holmes Chapel." she got ready to get out of the car and I gulped hard. How could I get out of this? I'm a sober alcoholic? No that won't work. I don't drink? No, she might think I'm a softy. 

I didn't want to risk anything with the baby so I tried to decline nicely, "Eh is it okay if we don't? I'd like to try out some dresses first". I smiled at the end so she would think I was sincere. 

Anne just waved her hand and started walking down a street who was called Chester Road. I walked up to her and bit my lip, not sure how I could persuade her from not going for a drink. 

I still hadn't thought of anything when we entered a pub who had a strange name; The Old Red Lion. I looked around and it and noticed there weren't many people in here. A few regulars, I could tell and at the end of the pub at a booth were a group of men sitting and talked quite loudly. 

Anne grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the bar, "You'll like it here, it's such a warm and cozy atmosphere. Just a quick drink and we'll head out on the shopping streets. Just to loosen up a bit". 

I pulled myself up on a bar stool and looked at all of the bottles on the many shelves behind it. The bartender walked over to us and dragged his cloth on the counter in front of us. 

"Whatcha want lassies?" he said with a thick Irish accent. I smiled to myself, I've always wanted to visit Ireland sometime. This man and Niall must be the nearest I'll ever come I guess. 

"Two scotch on the rocks, Tierney. This lass over here is a newbie", Anne answered and patted my shoulder and I just smiled politely. 

Tierney moved over more to my side and as I pretended to look for something in my bag I whispered to him, "Make mine a virgin, and please don't tell her anything about it". 

He glanced over to me and just gave me a short nod before he poured up a whiskey to Anne and when he turned around to get some ice, he swapped the bottles smoothly to a non alcoholic whiskey for me and gave me a wink. 

The glasses was placed carefully in front of us and Tierney gave us a sly smirk, "There ya go lassies. Enjoy". 


Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a while. I've had so much school work to do. 

But I hope you can forgive me and if not I hope this longer chapter will help. 

Please tell me what you think about this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it so it would mean a lot if you took the time to tell me what you think. 

I wish you a great weekend and I'll update when I get some time left over. 

Love you and thank you for still reading! xx


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