Chapter 39

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Harry's POV

I looked at Izzy and saw the worry in her eyes. I didn't know where to begin. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. She just sat there looking at me expectantly.

"You already know I grew up in a small town outside of London. Me and the boys, Niall, Louis and Liam were a little group hanging out. We met in high school, well, Liam is my cousin so we obviously met earlier. We were young, please remember that". I couldn't dare to look at her so I continued my story.

"We were always hanging out through thick and thin. Until the incident with Liam's girl, Anna. He still doesn't know that she never was pregnant and I have every intention of telling him, when the time is right. But there is more to the story. I have done many bad things in my life but there's one that's worse than the other. We were always drinking and went to parties, we were the 'cool kids' in school and we were invited to almost every single one. But there's one party I'll never forget".

I heard Iz gulp and forced down another bite of her delicious pancake, I hate to do this to her. But she needs to know this about me if we're going to stay together. If she's going to be able to trust me again.

I looked down on my tea cup and swirled the tea bag in we warm water as I felt the memories flooding back.


Liam had just done another shot and screamed into the crowd of people we needed to get this party started. Niall had brought his guitar and started to play a familiar tune everyone sang to. Louis was standing with my sister talking about something important by the look on their faces. I was just sitting there in the middle of it all on the sofa and felt the alcohol do it's thing. I smiled to myself as the room started to spin. I stood up to go to the kitchen and get some more. My walking weren't that straight and I bumped in to a lot of people.

As I got into the kitchen a familiar redhead walked up to me and gave me an inviting smile, it was Anna. "Hello there handsome", she had a cherry in her drink which she swirled in the red beverage before she put it in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. I knew what she was doing, but she's Liam's girl, that's off limits. I just walked pass her and got a bottle of tequila, I grabbed the whole thing and took a big quaff of it. It burned my throat in a way that got my senses heated.

I got outside on the backyard as I heard a woman scream. I didn't register it at first because of my condition. But as the fog around my eyes cleared I recognised the scream. My feet moved before my mind and I was standing in front of the worst possible scene of my life. When I last saw her she was standing with Louis, how did she get her so fast? Or was it I who moved so slow?

She were naked, her clothes were ripped off. Her face were all swollen from beating beaten. Blood ran from her nose, her chest and her forehead. He moved inside of her as she screamed once again, he had no mercy and I saw the puddle of blood on the ground from them. I dropped the bottle of tequila on the ground.

I don't remember what happened next. It all went black for me and when I came back there were police sirens near and ambulance personal carried a body inside their car. Louis where sitting next to me while Liam and Niall stood with my sister who had gotten some clothes on. She were still covered in blood and I felt the anger boiling up again. Louis hand on my arm brought me back and I looked at him "What happened?"

He looked shocked at me, "You don't remember? You jumped on the guy who raped your sister. No one stopped you and you killed him"

I jumped up on my feet as I was laying on the ground, ."I what?!" I dragged my fists through my hair, pulling it from the roots. I saw two police men walking toward us, and I couldn't breath. I walked back and forth, trying to catch a breath.

"Sir, may we have a word with you?" One of the police officers asked me. I looked down on my hands and saw the blood on them, there were no turning back now.

I looked at the to officers and spit the words out "I killed the man who raped my little sister".

One of the officers took his handcuffs out and had a disappointed look on his face as the other said, "Sir, I'm afraid you need to come with us".

They cuffed me and I obliged but as they sat me in the police car I screamed to my sister that I did it all for her.


"That's my biggest secret. And that's why my sister don't talk to me anymore. Apparently it had been going on for a while, he had beaten her and forced her to give him blow jobs. But he had never raped her until that night. That was what she was talking to Louis about, she was afraid. She went to him instead of her big brother and I feel so bad about her not trusting me enough not to tell me. Why she's not speaking to me I can't tell, but I'm guessing it's because I embarrassed her in front of the whole school, and my mum made her go to a lot of therapy after that."

I felt the heavy chain I felt on my chest earlier, fall to the floor and waited for Iz to say something. She now knows my biggest secret.

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I'll update next week again.

Love xoxo


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