Chapter 49

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Home. We were finally here. I felt like I could finally breath again. As we got out to the airport to get our bags I felt all giddy. I was really tired, but so so happy to be home. 

Me and Milly found our bags on one side, whilst Harry and Louis found theirs on the other. I looked at Harry and giggled a little.

"What are you so happy about? It's frikkin pouring raining outside and I am the one who's gonna drive." Milly wasn't on the best mood. 

I couldn't get the smile off my face, "Harry looks so tired, he looks so lost when he's tired. I'm guessing I'm gonna be the one to drive for us too".

Milly looked over at the guys, smiling when Louis gave her a flirtatious wink. "I think Louis isn't that tired though".

I rolled my eyes and bumped her shoulder, "Hey, I'm gonna call you this week and we can maybe figure something out about work for me, yeah?"

Milly flung her arm around me whilst rolling her bag after us, "Well, of course. I'll call some people and we will arrange something. You, little-miss-stressed-out, are going to drive your man home and take a warm bath together now".

I blushed at the thought of taking a bath together with Harry. We've actually never done that, how will we fit? He's so tall and I have...well, I haven't the smallest hips in the world. 

"Thank you, for everything these past days", I hugged Milly so tight so she would know what it really meant to me. 

The boys caught up on us and were in some sort of discussion about Claude and his weird obsession of scarfs. 

Me and Molly broke the hug and went our separate ways with our significant. Harry looked newly awake, but took my hand in his.

"I'll drive us home, do you want to buy some food on the way?" 

I loaded my bag into the trunk as he did the same, "Are you sure you are fit for driving? You look a little tired".

The rain was showering over us and I felt my hair getting all damp.

Harry squinted through the heavy rain at me and brought me into his arms, "Well, I wasn't. But the rain woke me up now." he chuckled. "So, food?"

I nodded, "Sounds great".

As we got into the car and Harry drove off I started to think again. I was wondering if Niklas was still in town, and should I be afraid of him?


Harry's POV

As I turned up to the pizza hut drive through I looked at Izzy who were lost in thoughts. She had a worried look on her face and I placed my plastered hand on her thigh, she jumped in her seat and I smiled a little at her. 

"Sorry, but you looked so worried. What were you thinking about?"

She swirled the ring on her finger around and around, thinking about her answer to me, until she turned to me and wet her lips. 

"What if Niklas is still in town? Should I be worried about him? I know it's silly but I don't want to be afraid of going outside alone".

I felt an anger boiling up inside me at the mention of his name, flashbacks of him touching my girl and hitting her made me furious. 

I winced when I noticed I had started to clinch my hands and the plaster strained against my hand. 

"That bastard won't come near you, I can promise you that. Besides, I heard from Louis that after he checked out from the hospital the police had arrested him. He had tried to attack another girl, blonde and short apparently. So, you don't have to worry about him".

She nodded shortly and I sighed as I drove up to the speaker to order our food. The person in the speaker controlled and repeated my order and I confirmed it was right and drove forward. 

"Baby, don't worry about it. We will go home now and cuddle up in the sofa and eat our food. Just you and me, like it's suppose to be".

I took her hand in mine and she grabbed it tightly with hers. I would do anything for her. She deserves to be happy, her smile is the reward my life needs. I kissed the back of her hand before we heard someone beside us clearing their throat. 

The pizza guy held our order out for us and a line of cars were forming behind us and we both blushed as I received our food and payed for it. 

As I drove off we started to laugh out loud and her laugh was the most perfect sound for my ears. I made an mental note to write a song about her laugh later. She earned a song. 

When I drove up the driveway and turned off the car I turned to her, "You are amazing, Izzy. I love you".

She blushed, I loved the shade of red on her cheeks, it made her look alive. "I love you too, Harry".

We got out of the car and I got up the stairs to the door and unlocked it. I let out a big breath when I got inside and smiled. Our home. We haven't been gone for long but I missed being alone with my girl in our house. It's soothing that it's so far out of town so the forest is nearby. 

I'm gonna take a walk with her there some day, to have her in my hands and nature surrounding us will be the calming setting I really need now. 

When we saw the billboard of me and Louis in Stockholm, I felt the weight on my shoulders getting heavier. The pressure of always look good, and be a face for the company is exhausting. 

It sounds silly I know, but to me it's heavy. I want to be able to walk outside looking like I've pulled an all-nighter and haven't showered for a week. But I can't do that. If the paparazzi would take a picture of me looking like that...well, Claude wouldn't be happy, at all.

Izzy was sitting on the sofa, she had placed the pizzas on the table and I walked over to her. She was staring down on her phone and I looked curious at her. 

"What are you doing? Let's eat". I grabbed a piece and took a big bite. 

"Who are Gemma Styles? She has contacted me?" I choked on the bite in my mouth and went to the kitchen for water. 

I coughed and tried to breath. Izzy followed me and stroke my back for help.

When I calmed down I pulled my hand through my hair and looked at her exasperated , "That's my sister".


Hello again!

Sorry if this chapter is a little boring and short. I wanted to build up to the finish, plus I'm really tired. 

They are back in London! And Gemma has contacted Izzy, thoughts?!

I have decided that it will be about 20-30 chapters more to this story. I have some loose ends I need to tie up now. But I really love writing this and I want to take my time to make it good and make a good finish.

If you comment your thoughts I might make that happen. It may even be more than 30 chapters. But I have a feeling I will try to straight some things out. 

I'll update again next week

Love xx


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