Chapter 26

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If you guys are interested in what I'm listening to while I write I give you a little list here, I always listen to 1D, but many others too. If you like this I might continue to write what I'm listening too. Please read the important A/N at the end of this chapter. Hope you'll like this, love you xoxo

Ophelia - The Lumineers

Bite - Troy Sivan

Youth - Troy Sivan

She ain't you - New Hollow

Why don't you love me - New Hollow

Tell me a lie - One Direction


When I woke up to my alarm the next day I couldn't move. The annoying tune got louder and louder. I tried to move my arms but there was a weight on me, well, not just any weight, Harry. Harry was spread out over me and stirred in his sleep to the tune from my alarm as well. But instead of trying to get off me he pulled me closer and held my waist tight.


He buried his head in the crook of my neck and shook his head. "Shh...Just turn it off."

I giggled and stroked his back, "Baby...I can't reach it."

He lifted his head and looked at me with a mischievous smile. He stretched out his hand and turned off my alarm before he hovered over me on his elbows.

"What did you call me?" he asked with a smirk plastered on his gorgeous, kissable lips.

I blushed while I looked up at him, into his bright emerald eyes, "B-baby?" my voice came out as a whisper.

Harry neared me with his lips and graced them on my jaw, "Mm...I like that."

Suddenly I felt him press his hips against mine and I gasped as I felt his hardness against my thigh.

"H-Harry...we need to get ready for work", my demand sounded weak as he started to kiss my neck.

"Let's call in sick. I want"

I gasped as he cupped one of my breasts in his hand and started to massage it.

"W-we can't do it...t-they will suspec-" I was cut off by Harry's hungry lips on mine.

He took both of my hands in one of his and lifted them above my head as he pressed me down on the mattress.

He grinded his hips against mine and I moaned against his mouth.

But just as abrupt he started, he stopped. I whined of the loss of contact. He released me completely and laid himself beside me with his hands under his head and gave me a wide Cheshire cat smirk.

I was panting and looked at him surprised. "Why did you stop?"

He shrugged at me, but still with a big smile on his face. "As you said, we should get ready for work."

I heard what he said but my attention was drawn to his naked torso before me and I felt my mouth agape.

He chuckled at my lack of attention, "Or, do you want me to continue?"

I met his eyes and felt my cheeks getting heated yet again, "M-maybe?"

He raised an eye brow at me, "Maybe? Well, if that's your answer I'm gonna get ready."

He stood up with a smirk and pulled up his tight jeans on his legs. I bit my lip as I stared at his toned body. "I want to..."

He stopped his actions in buttoning his jeans and looked at me, "You want to what?"

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