Chapter 54

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Harry's POV

Right before my eyes were like a dozen Victoria Secret models in only their underwear. I felt the heat on my face an decided to look down right away. I needed to get to Claude and ask what my assignments for today is.

I held a hand on the side of my face as I walked pass the lingerie models and looked down. Unfortunately that wasn't a good strategy because I walked right into one of the models, of course, just my luck. She stumbled on her high heels and was about to fall as I reached for her. I dragged her up on her feet just before she hit the ground and steadied her. She had now put her arms on my shoulders as I had my hands on her- oh shit! One of my hand is on her waist, whilst the other one literally  is on her butt-cheek!

I released her quickly and blushed a little, "S-sorry. I didn't-".

She interrupted me shaking her head whilst giggling, "Don't worry about it, handsome", she winked at me as she walked passed me to wherever she was going before I had made my clumsy act. 

I let out a sigh and pinched the brim of my nose before I looked around to find Claude. He was standing at the snack table holding a coffee as he argued with one of the photographs. Great, he's in a bad mood, yay.

I moved towards him and when he saw it was me his face actually brightened up, "'Arry! My favorite model!" he said with a thick french accent. He held out his arms to me and I looked confused.

"Yeah, what's up? What shall I do today?" I dug my hands down my pockets.  

"Well, I know you don't like these kind of jobs, but as you can see. Today is underwear day, and eh, well, you and the Victoria Secret models will have a photo shoot together. Great huh?!"

I felt my eyes nearly pop out of their holes, "What the, Claude, you know I hate these kind of jobs, right? I mean, I don't feel comfortable to take off my clothes and strut around some half naked-"

"You'll be payed 1 million dollars per tenth photo", he said abruptly.

"1 milli- oh shit. Well, Claude this is your lucky day! I will agree to your offer", I said as I stretched out my arms.

Claude didn't say anything, he just smiled viciously. He later on led me to the dressing room, showing me the underwear I will be wearing. I wasn't surprised when I saw it was boxer briefs...the slim fit ones. 

I just nodded as he explained to me how we all should be posed and such. I started to regret, agreeing to this now. I had to talk to Izzy so she might be prepared for all this, my conscience felt really bad now. 

I excused myself when Claude was done explaining to make a phone call to Izzy. I know she's at school and probably busy, but I thought I might give it a shot.  As I heard it ring I started to get nervous, what if she'll be mad at me?


Izzy's POV

The class was going great....for the first 15 minutes. After that, hell broke loose. I don't know what went wrong, but after the students had painted for a few minutes one of the boys shouted 'paint-fight' and now, well, I'm hiding under my desk at the moment. 

Paint in different colors was everywhere, on the floor, on the paintings, on the walls and even on the ceiling! I had taken cover under my desk and held my legs close to my body. I didn't know what to do and was starting to panic. When I couldn't think of anything I started to sob. 

And well, that's where I am now, under my desk, sobbing. I had tried to meddle with the students, but none of them even tried to listen to me. I wasn't educated for this, I had no clue what I should do in a situation like this!

As I was sitting there sobbing, I heard my phone buzzing from the other side of the room. Shit, I can't go over there. One of the students heard it buzzing and grabbed it to answer, I gulped and hoped it wasn't an important call.

"Helloooo? Who's this?" the student said. 

"Eh, this is Harry, can I please talk to Izzy?" I recognized his voice right away, it was Harry. Oh I hope she doesn't say anything stupid to him!

"Izzy? No she can't come to the phone right now, can I take a message?" I gulped wondering what on earth she was doing. 

I couldn't hear what Harry said and before I knew it she hung up and continued with the paint-fight. I needed to reach my phone, maybe it was something important. 

It was now or never, I needed to put an end to this. I got up from under the desk and climbed on top of it so I was higher than everyone else. 

"Listen up! You need to stop this madness right away!!" I shouted with all the air my lungs could hold. 

The class stopped with what they were doing and looked at me. Good. Now I need them to calm down, and get back to painting, I thought.  

"Can't you see that what you are doing is wrong? This is expensive equipment and this is frankly a childish behavior from all of you. If you don't stop this and continue painting I have to talk to the principal about this!" I didn't shout as loudly as before, but I had sternness in my voice. 

Unfortunately the students didn't listen to me, one of them repeated one phrase I had said, "expensive equipment? Hell yeah!" he said and flung some color right at me. The other students followed his lead. And instead of throwing color at each other they were now throwing all of the color at me. I screamed in frustration and panic and decided to run out of the room. 

I got out of the classroom and shut the door hard after me. I glanced down on my clothes, ruined. My entire body was covered in paint and I felt like giving up. I slided down the door and held my legs again as I started to sob. 

This wasn't what I wanted. This wasn't the dream I had had as a teacher. Was it something wrong with me? What did I do wrong?

The thought of Harry's phone call had slipped my mind as it all got forgotten in the change of events. 


Hey guys!

Sorry for the short chapter but I felt like it needed to end there. I promise I'll write a longer one, next week. 

What did you think about this chapter? I want to know your thoughts about it, please comment, I'm curious. :)

How are you? I hope you are doing fine. <3

I can't wait until next week it over, I have a long work week ahead of me, with uni on the nights. I'm gonna be exhausted. 

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and I wish you all the love xx


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