Chapter 74

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When I got into the car with Harry I felt worry. Worry about the baptism, about me and his future and of course our future child. Harry was shaking next to me but I didn't dare to touch him, it might trigger something and I was too exhausted to start a fight. 

But I decided I needed to take a good look at him, the future father of my child, and really try to get why he is acting like this. Anne's words echoed through my mind though 'Don't get lost in his mess. Take care of you and the baby'. 

I closed my eyes hard and tried to let the words go before I turned to Harry and noticed that he was crying. Big tears was flowing down his cheeks and that was why he was shaking. He was crying, the silent cry you didn't want anyone to know about. 

His head was down and I guess that was a way of trying to hide it from me. But I noticed the tears dripping down his cheeks down to his lap. He held a tight grip of the steering-wheel and I sucked in a breath. 

This broken man isn't dangerous. He is hurt, he is vulnerable and most of all lonely in this very moment. 

I placed my hand over his on the steering-wheel, "Harry...?" I didn't know what else to say. 

I suddenly heard a sob and he sucked in a big breath before he lifted up his head and leaned it back in the seat. His eyes were red and puffy, the tears were still streaming down his cheeks. 

I moved my hand to wipe away his tears and it got me thinking. I'm not sure I've really seen Harry crying this way before. He started sobbing uncontrollably and I bit my lip trying not to cry myself. 

He moved over the seat to pull me in for a hug and pressed his big cold body tightly to mine. I hugged him back and kissed his hair trying to soothe him. 

"Do you want me to drive?" I asked low. 

He nodded into my shoulder and I let out a sigh. After a while he let me go and we got out of the car to change seats. 

I started the car and Harry let out a big sigh before he started to talk. "I hate it. I hate that I am this way. It's been the same thing every time she gets someone new, someone she likes. But this time...this time it's different". 

I backed out of the driveway and turned towards Gemma's street. "What do you mean?"

Harry looked in the glove compartment after some tissues and found some, dried his eyes with them before he looked at me. 

"It's Tierney, he's the same age as me. When we were kids she brought us cookies and milk, not stripping down and jumped in bed with my friends. It's just wrong". 

I looked at the road and bit my lip before I decided to say what I really wanted to say, "But she's in love Harry. She loves him. And that must mean something, when I met him in that bar he was really nice. I think that he might've changed since you saw him. Don't you want your mum to be happy?"

Harry grunted, "Changed? Seeing him in his underwear with his hands on my mothers body is a picture I can never get out of my mind. And happy? I seriously doubt she is happy with him. She just said so, so she can have a date for the baptism". 

I placed a hand on my stomach and felt the tears brim in my eyes, "What about the future then?"

Harry looked at me and lingered for a while before he asked, "What future?"

And those words where enough for making me cry too and I stopped the car next to the curb. Harry was completely oblivious to why I was crying and tried to place his hand on mine but I snatched it away before I got out of the car. 

I pulled out a tissue out of my purse and dried the tears and tried to take a deep breath, I didn't want to cry right now. Not now. 

I took out my bag and marched up to the front door of Gemma's house. Harry was shouting my name behind me but I ignored him. 

I knocked on the door and in the matter of seconds Gemma opened the door and smiled when she saw me. But after a second look, which must've been that she noticed that I've been crying, her smile faltered. 

Harry caught up behind me and I walked passed Gemma to get into the house. I heard Harry explaining why we were coming over and apologized for our behavior. 

Gemma said it was okay and after that I zoned out. I got into the room we slept in last time and put the bag down on the floor. 

After a few seconds I heard Harry entering the room and closed the door behind him. "Okay, here's how it's gonna go. I know you are upset about what I said about our future, I'm guessing it's about our future since you started to cry. You need to tell me why you got upset and after that we can try to sort this through, okay?"

I turned around and crossed my arms, "I got upset because I am worried about our future. If you are going to get mad and punch a wall when our daughter or son brings home a partner they like but you don't, how are we suppose to live with that? I don't know what's gotten into you, but I seriously think you should give Tierney a chance if your mum says she loves him". 

I noticed that Harry clenched his fists hard before he took a deep breath and unclenched them before he responded, "It's gonna be a whole different thing with our child, Iz. And I have already promised Gemma that I'm gonna start going to anger management. I don't know why I am the way I am here, but I don't like it. And I stand by my words before, if mum brings Tierney to the baptism I don't know what I'll do to him". 

I let out a sigh bet let him walk over to me and hug me. He held me tight and kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him, he smiled a little before he placed his forehead on mine. 

"I love you Iz. And I will do everything I can to make our future the best for us". I smiled a little and he took his chance and kissed me hard. 

And in that kiss I felt all the worry and sadness evaporate. His touch on my body placed all the pieces together and when he laid on top on me on the bed he made me feel safe. In that moment I questioned why I was ever the slightest afraid of him. 

He kissed my whole body as he undressed me and his hair got messy when I pulled his sweater over his head. I ran my fingers through it and smiled at him before I kissed him deeply. 

He wrapped my legs around his hips before he entered me and I gasped at the feeling. The fight we just had felt like it had lasted for months instead of just a few days. With him inside of me, us making a whole, felt like we were completed yet again. 

As he thrusted in and out of me I looked into his beautiful green eyes and felt joy. Happiness that we where together in this very moment. He whispered my name in my ear and told me how much he loved me. 

He came before me but kept on thrusting until I came too. He pulled out and laid beside me and pulled me close. 

"I'm sorry...for everything". He mumbled into my hair. 

I closed my eyes and felt bliss all through my body, "I'm sorry too". 

We fell fast asleep laying in each others arms that night. 


Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating earlier, but I have been working a lot lately. 

I finally have summer holidays now and I found out that I got a new job too! My first real job as a teacher. I'm so happy!

And in the middle of all this I am moving soon, so I haven't really had the time to update this story. I'll try to be better, I promise. 

Anyway. What did you think of this chapter? Please vote and comment what you think!

And I can't believe I have over 6K reads on my story! Thank you guys so much!

Lots of love xxx


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