Chapter 33

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Izzy's POV

My dreams are haunted with an angry Harry and a mysterious shadow. He shadow is a man. A man who are trying to help me and Harry in our argument. Harry is yelling at me with the same furious expression I've learned to fear. 

I thought I'd never fear the man I love, but his eyes is filled with hate. But I can't hear anything he's yelling at me. It's like I'm there but I can't hear anything. He grabs me by my shoulders and shake me as he keps shouting in my face.

The man who I only see as a shadow pushes Harry away, which he shouldn't have done. I know that Harry is strong, but this kind of violence have never shown before. The man is now laying unconscious on the ground. Harry just walked away, leaving me and the man alone. I walked towards him and keeled down beside him. I move away the hair from his face and is met by a-.

I wake up with a scream. 

I am still in the couch all sweaty and confused by my dream. What the hell was that?

"Mhm. No not yet. I don't want to go to school", I hear Milly mumble in the other end. 

I run a hand through my damp hair while I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I need some water. 

I gulp down a glass of water when I hear the front door open and close. 

My feet move quickly towards the hallway and I am met by Harry standing there. 

He's wearing the same clothes as yesterday and when his green eyes meet mine I see that they are dull and red. 

"Hi", I say, but it comes out as a whisper. 

"Hey", he says while he rubs his neck.

I wrap my arms around myself and look at the wall behind him, "Where were you?"

He takes off his shoes and walk past me and I sense a scent I've never smelled before. 

"Harry.." I urge. 

Harry stops in his tracks when he spots Milly still asleep on the couch. I watch him as his eyes trace the living room. The wine bottles is still scattered over the table and I let out a sigh.

"Did you have a party or something?" he asks.

He turns to me and suddenly I feel guilty.

"N-no, just a girls night." I mumble, unable to meet his eyes.

He just nods and starts to walk up the stairs. I follow him.

"Can you answer my question please? I was really worried." 

He let's out a sigh, "Nowhere."

He enters the bedroom and I close the door behind me. 

"No, tell me."

Harry takes off his sweater and tosses it on the floor, "I was just out with the lads, that's all."

He looks down on the floor as he says it and I move to sit on the bed. 

"No, tell me the truth." I know exactly when he's lying. He avoids eye contact and fumbles with his rings. He does it now.

"You don't want to know the truth", he mumbles. 

I bit my lip and stand and walk to him, "Harry, please. I want to know the truth. I love you, and I want you to be able to trust me."

Finally Harry meets my eyes and they are filled with sadness and regret. 

"I've done something stupid."

I cross my arms in front of my chest, "What did you do?"

He sighs and look up at the ceiling before he looks at me again.  "I...I.." He bites his lip and moves his hand to cup my cheek.

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