Chapter 64

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Harry's POV

As I said that I had a girlfriend my mum smiled brightly at me and hugged me yet again, but this time shorter. "I am so happy for you Harry" she said truthfully. 

I smiled at her, "Thank you. Can I take a tour around the house? I'd like to see what you've done with the place." I looked around the corner to the staircase up to my old room. 

Mum just waved her hand a little, "I haven't done that much. But take a look, I'll prepare some tea for us"

I decided to walk right upstairs and see my old room. I didn't realize until now that I've really missed it. 

I climbed the stairs in three big leaps and got up to the second floor. I turned right and took the first door to the left, that was my room. I opened the door slowly as if i was afraid all the memories would attack me as I entered. 

Of course no such thing happened but to my surprise my room looked exactly as I left it. It looked like mum had cleaned it but that's all. 

I stepped into the room and looked around. It was a marine blue room with carpeted floor. I hated the floor, still do. But I just chuckled for myself when I looked down on it. 

I looked at the walls and noticed something different, something I haven't seen before. I walked closer and saw a big pinboard with every article and picture I've been in. I looked amazed at it, mum must've haunted down every newspaper in town to get all of these. There were my first photoshoot, I looked so small. And my first cover magazine photo. Me and Louis on a newly taken picture. 

I gulped and looked away, mum must've thought I would've come back eventually. I never thought of that. I glanced over at the bed and saw a note, I started to remember what it was. 

It was the angry letter I left mum before I left the house. It was saying how much I hated her at first and eventually I had explained what happened in the letter. I wanted her to know what I've done for my little sister before I left. 

I thought she would try to contact me after that, but she didn't. I have never heard from her. I thought she never missed me at all. But here, all this, this is proof she did. She really did miss me. 

I sank down on the bed with the letter in my hand and tried to gasp for air. I never thought my life would look like this. When I lived here I had dreams, dreams of being a musician, dreams of finish school. I was dreaming of going to college and eventually find a good job for myself. 

My life turned out really well even though I was kicked out and left all alone on the street. But I wouldn't put the pieces together...If my mum missed me so much and knew what I did in my life, why didn't she contact me or tried to visit me. 

I think if I knew then that she missed me I might've forgiven her, she and Gemma is the only family I have of course I'd like for us to be together. But this, this changes things. 

I don't know if I should be mad or happy because of all this. I just sat there on the bed for a while before I heard mum coming up the stairs. With weary steps she walked over to the threshold and looked at me. I looked at my mum who once had tried to give me the best childhood ever. My mum who loved my friends and made us PB and J sandwiches. My mum who wouldn't hurt a fly and got left by the man she loved.  

I get it though, she was heartbroken. I know I look like him, a lot. I know she hated to be reminded of him, but that was no reason for kicking me out without a second thought about it. It looked so easy for her when she did it. A stern look and a few words and I was out of here. No 'goodbye' or 'see you later', I just walked out of the door and we didn't speak for five years after that. 

"I know that you must be mad at me, and I get that. I also know that I was a horrible mother who kicked a seventeen year old boy out of my house. But I thought you'd come back. I thought you missed me. But when I saw the articles and that you've got a great job in another city, I understood. I understood that you had made your own life without me in it. So that's why I didn't try to contact you, even though I missed you so so much. I didn't want to interfere with your life", she didn't even look at me. She looked down on the floor like a pet who had done something terrible wrong. 

I didn't know what to say. I was mad yes, but it wasn't that kind of anger when you feel like your burning up. It was that kind of anger were you felt frustrated, frustrated that you couldn't do anything about the past. 

I let out a sigh and got up from the bed, "Mum, I forgive you. But I must say I am disappointed that you didn't try to reach me after all these years. All the time we have wasted...being mad at each other".

She nodded a little and tried to held back her tears, her voice cracked when she talked, " I know, honey and I regret it with all my life. If I could take back these past years, I would've. I'm so sorry". 

I walked over to her and brought her into a hug. I held her tight as I heard her cry lowly. "Let's go drink so tea now". 

We got down to the kitchen where Gemma tried to feed Rose, she made funny sounds so she would open up her mouth. When she met my eyes I gave her a short nod so she would know it's all okay now.

Mum took out tea cups for us and placed some biscuits on a plate for us. "Why isn't this mystery girl here so I can meet her? A girl who can win my sons heart must be a special one". 

I gulped hard and Gemma and I looked between each other, "Eh, well. She's at Gem's. i told her not to come until I had sorted things out between the two of us". I looked at my mum who had an understanding expression on her face. "And eh, well. She is quite mad at me now at the moment, too".

Mum stopped what she was doing and placed a hand on her hip "Harry Edward Styles what did you do to make the girl you love mad at you?!" 

I looked shocked at her, "I...well I-"

"I don't want to hear it, you go over there right now and apologize to her!" she pointed at the door. 

Gemma looked at me and smirked a little, clearly amused by the situation. I just nodded and turned to walk towards the door, when I heard my mum add "And when she has forgiven you, you can invite her over for tea". 

I just chuckled and walked out of the door, not ready for the next storm I needed to tame. 


Hey guys!

I'm back! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and an awesome New Year. I wish you all the best for this new year, and I hope you will accomplish what you want.

I struggled a little with this chapter, but I hope you still like it. Please comment what you think about it. 

I think there might be 10 to 15 chapters left of this story, I'm trying to tie these loose ends together and I hope you like it. 

If you have any recommendations or thoughts about this story you can either comment here or dm if you like. 

 I wish you lots of love xx

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