Chapter 9

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Harry and Louis walked away to their photoshoot. I stood by for a while in the closet and let out a big sigh. I had to call Milly, she'll know what to do. I took out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey Iz! What's up?" She was in a good mood as always. I let out a big sigh again and she caught up that something wasn't right. 

"What happened?" 

I scratched the back of my neck and bit my lower lip hard. " and i fooled around a bit...but we got interrupted by his friend. I don't know, it all was very awkward. Can't you come by so we can go out and have lunch? I only have an hour left here". 

She giggled a bit. "Oh Iz, you're so cute. What was his friend like? Was he cute? Oh wait, I'll come down there.  I'll be there in an half hour". She hung up before I had the chance to answer
I laughed low at her silliness. But I'm glad she'll come here, I need some girl talk about this whole situation.

I walked out to the studio after I had made myself presentable. The boys were posing for Claude whilst he took photos in different angles. I smiled at Harry but made my way to the coffee pot. I needed coffee. Now. 

After a while Milly stormed through the door out of breath. She panted but embraced me in a hug. 

"Hey Iz! I came as fast as I could".  She backed up an smiled at me. She had put on some make up and dressed up in skinny jeans. She had a pink bottom up on with a few buttons open. I knew what she had in plan.  

I smirked at her, "Hey, why so dressed up?". 

She slapped my arm playfully and looked towards Harry and Louis. Her eyes were about to pop out of her head whilst her mouth fell open. "Oh holy biscuits! That is some handsome lads!". 

I laughed at her statement and tried to shush her, but I was too late. Everyone at the photoshoot were now staring at us with confused faces. 

I was red as a tomato whilst Milly only had her eyes on Louis. She smirked at him.  Louis gave her a look over and gave her a smirk back. 

"Oh my god", I mumbled. Claude announced everyone to wrap it up so we could go home. He dismissed Harry and Louis who made their way over to us. 

Louis stopped right in front Milly and gave her a kiss on the cheek."Hello gorgeous", He couldn't tear his eyes off of her. 

I cleared my throat and motioned between them."Milly this is Louis, Harry's friend. Louis this is Milly. She lives in the same building as me". 

Harry looked at me with his Cheshire cat smirk and leaned down to my ear."Maybe we should double date with Milly and Louis tonight? They seem to be hitting it off pretty well. I can't wait to kiss you all over again". 

I sucked in a breath and looked at him with heated cheeks. "Eh, I don't know. Milly and I was planning to have a girls night out".  

Harry looked at Louis and winked. "What do you say mate? Should we take these lovely ladies out for a dinner?". 

Louis smirked at Harry and nodded. "Sounds good to me, are you in, love?", he looked at Milly who giggled and nodded in response. 'Dammit Harry!', he cornered me in this decision. 

I sighed but nodded too.  "Okay you've convinced me", Harry smiled and went to get our coats. Meanwhile Milly and Louis were in their own little bubble, they were whispering about something which caused Milly to giggle even more. I was happy for her, but I was also a bit sad that the girls night now turned into a double date. 

Harry came back with our coats and headed out. Milly and Louis shared a car whilst me and Harry shared his. I was suddenly nervous. I started to fiddle with my fingers and bit down on my lower lip. My actions was interrupted by Harry's hand intertwining with one of mine.  I looked up at him confused. 

He just gave me a smile and stroke his thumb over my knuckles. "Louis really needed to find someone, I was starting to get worried about him. Milly seems nice". 

I nodded and looked out of the window. I don't really know how all of this escalated so quickly. 

Suddenly Harry brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it gently. "Thank you by the way, for coming up with a cover. With the whole situation with Louis". 

I nodded and blushed a little by the feeling of his lips on my skin. How could he make me so speechless and giddy only by his touch?  He gave me a weary look and suddenly pulled the car over. I knew we weren't there yet. 

So in response I looked out the window before I gave him a confused look. "Why did you pull over?" 

He squeezed my hand before he let it go and smiled vaguely at me."I hope you're not offended by not having a title to us yet. But I know you said you weren't ready for anything yet. And so am I. I don't want to tell anyone what we are doing here. Hell, I don't even know what we are doing. All I know is that you drive me crazy Iz, you really do. And not just in a physical level, but you are an amazing person. By our date or whatever we should call it, I know that you have been mistreated and I just don't want you to regret anything with me". 

He let out a sigh as if a weight have been lifted off his chest. I looked at him with wide eyes, that was not the confession I was ready for. He felt the same way that I did. He's insecure about this whole thing too? 

I cleared my throat and locked my eyes with his. "I feel the same way Harry, I really like you. But I don't want to jump into something I'm not sure you're ready to catch me for. I'm sorry for this. But maybe we should have some distance for now on? I don't want you to wait for me, but I'm not ready yet". My eyes got teary by my speech so I had to look away. 

Harry let out a sigh and looked out of the window. "I guess you're right...but what shall we do about Milly and Louis? They're waiting for us". 

I looked at him, tears still in my eyes. "I'll just text Milly, she'll be fine. I trust her judgement. Please just drive me home". Harry looked at me and nodded. He started up the car whilst I texted Milly.  


Milly's POV

I smiled at Louis and couldn't get over how handsome he really was. I was sure he thought the same about me too, because he hadn't looked away from me this whole time. We were currently sitting at the restaurant waiting for Izzy and Harry. 

Suddenly my phone vibrated telling me I got a text. "It's from Izzy...they're not coming..". I looked up at Louis who gave me a curious look. 

"Hm, well that means it's just you and me then, love", he gave me a seductive smile. I giggled and nodded. But I couldn't stop wondering why they weren't coming. I was just hoping Izzy was okay. I texted back saying I would come by her flat later to check on her. 

Me and Louis ordered our food whilst we got to know each other. 

Izzy's POV

Harry stopped the car outside my apartment. He looked at me with sad eyes and caressed my cheek. A habit he had caught on, which I loved. But I couldn't let my walls get teared down yet. 

"I guess I'll see you Monday then. I'll be here when you're ready Iz.." He said in a sad but hopeful tone. I nodded and got out of the car. I just wanted the earth to open up an swallow me now. I've always hated when I made people sad. I couldn't bear saying anything to Harry. He knew how I felt now. I didn't look back as I got into the apartment house. I heard him drive away. 

I got into my apartment and leaned on the now closed door. I really liked him. I had hoped I could've been stronger. But I wasn't ready yet. I glided down on the floor and started to sob. I let out the tears I had held in. I wasn't strong, I was weak. I don't think I'll never be able to let anyone in again. 


Hey guys! I'm back, and I almost got a little teary by the end of this chapter. Please vote and leave a comment what you think. 

Btw credit to @IsidraChavez who have made the new cover for my story. What do you think about it?

All the love xx


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