Chapter 73

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Izzy's POV

When I woke up the next morning I jerked out of bed quickly, Anne was standing in the doorway looking at me and had scared the crap out of me. 

"What the hell, Anne!" 

When I had a moment to calm down I saw that the coffee mug in her hands shook like crazy. I glanced up towards her face, she's been crying. 

With a calmer voice I asked her gently, "Are you okay?" 

She just shook her head and bit her lip from starting to cry again. I let out a sigh and put a blanket around my shoulders. 

Just when I was about to ask her where Tierney was the front door opened and closed down stairs. 

Anne jumped a little and swirled around fast and ran down the stairs. Harry looked like he had just rolled out of bed. His hair were a mess and he looked really tired. Anne placed her coffee mug on the end table in the hall before she flung her arms around his neck and started sobbing. 

A big sigh came from him before he hugged her back. I stood still at the top of the stairs and held the blanket close to my body. 

When Harry noticed me staring at them he had to almost force Anne's hands off of him. He didn't break eye contact with me as he climbed the stairs and stopped right before me. 

"Hi.." he breathed out. 

I managed to get a good look at him now, he looked sad, hurt and tired all at once. 

"Hi" I answered shortly. I'm a stubborn woman and right now I needed an apology before we could hug or kiss make up. Sure it was wrong of me for keeping things from him, but at least I didn't leave him in the middle of the night just because I was mad. 

Harry took a step closer to me. I could catch his scent in my nostrils. He smelled like a summer morning mixed with his cologne. I looked into his sad eyes and he stuttered the words out. 

"Iz...I-I'm so..." he signed and let out a big breath before he tried again, "Iz...I-I'm sorry...I shouldn't have left you last night". 

I crossed my arms in front of me, "You damn right you shouldn't" 

Harry bit his lip and looked like a dog with his tail between his legs, "W-what can I do to make it up to you?" 

I couldn't hold my face any longer and it broke into a smile, "A foot massage" 

Harry looked surprised at me before he chuckled and pulled me in for a hug, he kissed me deeply and I was happy to have him in my arms again. 

Anne sniffled at the bottom of the stairs behind us and Harry let me go and turned around to face her. 

"Mum, I don't think you should bring Tierney to the baptism on Friday. And promise me to never put me through a situation like this ever again". 

She sobbed and wiped her eyes with a napkin, "I...I love him". 

Both me and Harry froze and looked at her surprised. 

Harry took a step down the stairs, "I'm sorry what? You what?" 

I held his hand tight in both of mine, not sure how he would react to this. 

Anne looked both surprised and scared at him, "I...I love him, Harry". 

He just shook his head and I felt his hand shake in mine, "That's not possible, how long have you been together?"

 Anne sniffled again and just shook her head. Harry ripped his hand from mine and shouted out the words, "How long have you been together! Answer me!" 

Anne jumped at the sound of his yelling and sobbed out, "For almost a year..." 

Harry just screamed and punched the dry wall, his hand flew right through it and all the pictures on the wall fell down with several crashes. The glass in the frames shattered around both them and I gasped for air. 

The tension in the room was unbearable and I chipped for air. Harry just stared at his mum with a ragged breath. 

"I will never bless your love. Never. I can't stand the man and here you are rolling around in the bed sheets with him". 

Anne sobbed uncontrollably now and my heart ached for her. I didn't quite understand why Harry was so upset. Tierney and him had been friends once, he sure must understand that there is some good in him. And if his mum is happy so should he be. But I didn't dare to say anything about it, Harry was mad and nothing should cross his way when he was like this. 

Harry walked down the stairs, the broken glass cracked under his shoes and I wondered if I were the one to clean this mess up later. 

He stopped right in front of Anne and she tried to gasp for breath between the sobs, "If I see his face at the baptism, I'm not sure what I will do to him. We will stay at Gemma's until then" 

I think I heard a 'We' which meant that I was suppose to follow with him. He took three big strides up the stairs and got into his room and started to pack our stuff. I watched him at the door step and brought the blanket tighter around my shoulders. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want his anger to be aimed towards me, but I was sure as hell not agreeing with him about his mum and Tierney. 

What kind of example would this be for our child? If we have a daughter and he doesn't approve of her boyfriends will he continue to punch through walls? Or if we have a boy and he doesn't approve of his girlfriend, will he yell at him before he leaves the house? 

I shivered at the thought and I felt frightened of our future. Harry really needs to control his anger. When I met him he wasn't half as raging as he is now. There must be something about his hometown or something that brings back old feelings. 

After Harry had packed all of our stuff he walked pass me as he mumbled to me, "C'mon let's go". 

I walked slowly after him and tried to figure out what I should do. I decided that when he had calmed down I'll try to talk some senses into him. I walked carefully over the broken class on the floor and stopped for a second next to Anne. When Harry had walked out the front door, I took her hand in mine and tried to give her a small smile. 

"I'm sorry about all of this. I'm not agreeing with him so I will try to talk to him". 

Anne sobbed but managed to smile a little towards me, "Thank you dear, but don't get lost in his mess. Take care of you and the baby". 

She placed a hand on my belly and I nodded shortly before I walked out the door and closed it behind me. 

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