Chapter 42

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Song for this chapter:

The night we met - Lord Huron

The Paper Planes - Paint

Milky chance - Flashed junk mind

The Lumineers - White lie 


Harry's POV

As Martina brought me to the Friends arena, I was wondering if the Friends cast ever been here. I love that show. A low chuckle came from my mouth and Martina stopped in her tracks and looked at me amused. 

"What's so funny?"

I just waved my hand in dismiss of an answer to her, I didn't want to tell her that just by thinking about a few Friends episodes in my head made me laugh out loud. She just shook her, probably thinking I'm amusing. 

When we entered the arena I got surprised at how big it really was, on the outside it wasn't much, but on the 

On the scene were the band, the arena were empty at the moment. We must've come before the show, that's so cool!

Martina waved at them, it was two boys and two girls. I studied them a little when we walked towards them. One of the guys had long, brown, curly hair and a beard, he looked like some 60's hippie to me. I like that. The other guy had short ginger hair and he felt really familiar to me. One of the girls had really blonde hair up in a hairdo of perfection. The other girl had long black curly hair. 

Martina took my hand and dragged me the last bit towards them, "Come on, let me introduce you". 

"Hey guys, this is Harry, he's my big sisters boyfriend",  phew that comment made me relax a little bit. I hope she will remember that later and not try anything with me. 

She introduced the band to me; the bearded guy's name is Jeremiah, the ginger haired guy's name is Ed, the blonde girl's name is Trixie and the black haired girl's name is Amanda. 

"Hi, mate, can you play any instrument? Or sing?" asked Ed. 

I rubbed the back of my head with my plastered hand, as I did so his eyes caught my hand and he got embarrassed. 

"Eh well, as you can see. I'm not really capable of playing anything but I can sing some. Why do you ask?" I asked as I got curious now. 

"Well, one of our band-mates didn't show up and we don't know where he is. So we need someone who can sing along in the chorus parts." said Trixie, she gave me a wink and I gave her a smile back. 

"Do you mean now at the rehearsal or at the actual show?" I asked, I don't know if I dare to preform in front of a lot of people. 

"Both actually, if you think you can", said Jeremiah. I gulped but nodded. If you get a few once in a lifetime opportunities in your life, this is one of them. And I can't not take this one. 

Martina cheered and clapped her hands in excitement, "Oh my god this is so great! Let's start the rehearsal right away, I want to her how you sound". 

I laughed nervously as I got up on stage and took one of the microphones Trixie handed me. Jeremiah played the guitar, Ed played lead guitar, Amanda was on base and sang and Trixie played the drums and sang too. 

They handed me the lyrics to their songs and I only had to sing in the chorus parts, it wasn't that hard. 

Ed started off with some fine plucking on the guitar while Jeremiah played some chords. Trixie started to count with her foot on the floor, whilst Amanda started to sing the first verse. Her voice were like an angels and I got lost in the words she sang: (play the youtube video now)

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