Chapter 11

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Izzy's POV

I woke up the next day. I skipped breakfast, I didn't feel the need eat, I didn't feel anything. I felt numb. I took a shower, the warm water didn't change anything for me. It wasn't soothing, it didn't take away the pain. I didn't want to feel like this. I was suppose to get away from all of this. All the emotions, pain and heartache. But I couldn't deny that I had feelings for Harry. I did, he made me feel special. Before the scene that will haunt me for the rest of my life happened.

I got out of the shower and made myself ready, I blow dried my hair and put on a wide skirt with a white blouse. I took my coat and shoes before I headed for the door.

When I had walked for two minutes to the bus the sky opened up and rain was falling down like a flood. I've never seen it rain so much. I ran to the bus stop and waited for about 5 minutes. I was now soaking wet. 'God dammit, just my luck'. It was as the weather mirrored my emotions.

The bus ride weren't long so when I got off it the rain was still pouring down. I ran the last bit to work, but it was to no use. I was soaking wet from head to toe. When I got in I was met with the woman who I thought were my friend. There stood Lia with her newly died hair, it was ombre from dark blue in the roots to light blue in the tops. 

She smirked at me and I felt the urge to slap it away."What's the matter princess? Didn't get your kiss in the rain?" I was furious at her statement. But I knew that if I hit her I would get in trouble. I just passed her and tried to calm myself down. This was officially the shittiest day ever.

When I got in Claude said I was needed in the wardrobe today so I headed there. I took off my soaked coat and noticed that my white blouse also were wet. It was now see through. "Shit.". I tried to make it unnoticeable but it was to no use.

I heard footsteps entering the room and I looked up to see a soaked Harry, almost as soaked as me. His hair was dripping and damp from the rain. He looked like he hadn't slept all night. "Izzy..". He looked into my eyes before he roamed my body. His eyes widened at the sight of my now see through blouse. 

He cleared his throat and looked away. "Can we talk?" 

I sighed at his question. I didn't want to talk with him anymore. But it also needed some closure. "Sure, talk".

His eyes wandered around the room. "Not here...Some privacy maybe?" 

His eyes met mine again and I nodded in response. "Lead the way". I just wanted to get this over with.  

I followed Harry into the prop room. There were all kinds of things we used in the photoshoots, like fans, fake flowers and other merchandise. Harry closed the door behind me. I turned around to face him, waiting for an explanation.  

He took a deep breath and roamed his fingers through his damp hair. He looked at me with almost a begging expression. "I've been thinking...I need to tell you the truth". 

I raised an eye brow at him."The truth? What about? That you're a lying bastard?". 

He sighed and leaned against a desk in the middle of the room. "No...well yeah I'm a dick, but not about that...about...everything".  

I was glad I was early to work because this could take a while. I leaned against the wall and nodded him to continue. I put my arms around myself to keep from freezing. 

He rubbed his neck and looked me directly in the eyes. "I'm not a womanizer, I'm not a fuck boy. I have slept with four women in my life. I haven't done all those horrible things the papers wrote about me. Yes I was with Lia, but that was a one time thing. I was vulnerable and she was there. It was a mistake, I know, and I'm so sorry about that. Why I made those headlines was because of Claude, he made me sign a contract about this company's reputation. I was needed to help it gain publicity. But I need to tell you that when we kissed...I felt something, something I've never felt before. I really like you, Iz I do". By the time he had finished he had made his way over to me and was now standing right before me. 

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