Chapter 17

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I felt Harry leaving love bites on my neck. He left open mouth kisses down my chest and stopped on my stomach. I sucked in a breath as he traced his fingers on my inner thigh. I didn't know what to expect. I've never been touched by a man this way. With Niklas there were no foreplay, there were no electricity between us. But with Harry everything felt different.

His fingers leaved a trace of goosebumps on my thighs as he traveled up to my hip. The anticipation were overwhelming. I was so turned on only by his lips and light touches, I though I was going crazy.

I grabbed his forearm and looked into his eyes, "Harry, please...".

He smirked at me, dimples on display, "Please what? I haven't even started yet."

I gulped and bit down on my lower lip in excitement. He started to kiss my stomach again and slowly and tortuously slid down my panties off my legs.

He kissed above my heated area and I bit down harder on my lip. I didn't know what to expect, I've read and heard about these type of things but never experienced it.

Suddenly I felt his lips around my sensitive nub and his tongue doing amazing things to it. I moaned loud and gripped the sheets on the bed.

"Oh shit! W-what are you doing?!"

Harry ignored my question and continued the wonderful pleasuring assault on me. He slowly slipped a finger inside me and I gasped.

He stopped and looked at me, "Are you okay?"

I had my eyes shut and ignored him. Instead I gripped his hair and pushed his head back between my legs. I felt him smiling before he continued pleasuring me with his lips, tongue and finger. He moved his finger slowly in and out of me. 

I felt  my orgasm was coming as my stomach was beginning to contract. My breathing got more ragged as he moved his tongue and fingers faster.

"H-Harry I'm..!" I wasn't able to finish. I felt myself cling onto his finger and I moaned his name several times as I reached my high. 

He pulled out his finger and placed himself beside me as I was coming down from my incredible high. 

"How was that?" He asked me with a smile. 

I tried to catch my breath as I smiled at him. I was embarrassed but it had felt so good. "It was amazing, I've never been treated like that before."

He raised an eyebrow at me and placed a hand on my naked hip. "You've never been pleasured by someone else before? What the hell was Niklas even thinking?"

I buried my face into his chest as I moved closer to him. I didn't want to talk about Niklas now, not after Harry had made me feel so amazing. 

I felt Harry kiss my hair and sighed lowly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't had brought it up." 

He placed a finger under my chin and pecked my lips, "Are you tired?" 

I nodded and jawed after his question. He chuckled and pulled the comforter over us and held me close to his chest. "Let's sleep then, sweetheart." 

I felt my heart flutter at the nickname yet again. I knew I started to get feelings for Harry, I wasn't ready to admit it yet though. He had said that he don't do relationships, and me neither. But before I drifted off to sleep I was wondering if he could ever feel the same about me as I felt for him. Whatever it was.


When I woke up the next morning I couldn't move. Harry was laying over me with his arms around my waist in a firm grip. His head was buried in my neck and I felt his hot breath against my skin. I never thought I would ever experience this with someone. Sure I had woken up like this with Niklas but he was snoring and I didn't feel warm in his grip, I felt trapped in his uncomfortable arms. 

But with Harry I felt safe, his skin soft against my own, it felt like I was in heaven. I wanted time to stop right now. I traced my fingers through his unruly but beautiful curls. They were so soft and thick. 

He stirred in his sleep and I stopped my movements.

"Don't stop.." he mumbled against my neck. 

I smiled shyly. His morning voice was raspy and thick with sleep, but it was incredibly arousing. I continued to trace my fingers through his hair and I felt him smile against my neck and held me even closer than before. 

He started to kiss my neck as I started to massage his scalp. "Mm, baby your fingers are amazing."

I blushed at his words and looked at him. His eyes met mine, they were a light green now. Full with color and...was it happiness?

He lifted his head to meet my lips with his. He lingered and put a hand on my neck to pull me over him in a movement. 

I was hovering over him and bushed heavily now. We broke the kiss and he placed a string of hair behind my ear and looked me in the eyes.

"You're so beautiful Izzy..."

His morning voice making my name sound even better coming from his lips with his thick accent. 

I smiled at him and placed my hands on his chest. My pointer traced the swallows inked there. He closed his eyes and held me close to his chest.

"Did it hurt?"

He made circles on my hip with his fingers, "What?"

I closed my eyes briefly by his amazing touch on me, "The tattoos? Did they hurt?"

He looked at me and smiled, "No...well the first one maybe. But no they didn't hurt."

I looked at the swallows again and smiled, "Which was the first one you got?"

He lifted his left arm and pointed at a five pointed star filled in black, "This one."

I looked at it and couldn't stop myself as I wanted to touch it, I traced my fingers on the black ink and smiled.

He studied my face as I was in trance looking at his tattoo. "You don't have any tattoos, huh?" 

I met his eyes and shook my head, "No, but I'd like to have one someday."

He nodded and caressed my cheek, "Do you want some breakfast?"

I smiled and kissed his lips before I stood up.

He chuckled, "I take that as a yes." He sat up on the bed but his eyes froze on my naked body.

I blushed and started to dress myself before my body joined him again in the bed.

He shook his head and got out of bed before he started to dress himself too. If you can call it get dressed, he only wore his briefs, nothing else.

I moved fast into the bathroom before I could contain myself. He was so handsome. I couldn't believe what he'd done to me yesterday. 

He was so understanding when I had told him about my past, there's more to tell him. But before I know my feelings for him I'm not sure if I'm ready to confess everything.

There are terrible things in my past, and I don't know if I might push him away if I ever told him. Do I want to be with him? Is it love or something else? Am I able to love someone after him?

I sighed and pulled my hair up in a messy bun and splashed my face with cold water. My thoughts were swirling like a tornado inside my head. Everything is so confusing. I was wondering if he felt the same as I do for him. 

I know I like him, very much. But am I ready for something more? 


Hii! Sorry for the long wait. I've been busy with school and Easter now. I've started to read After again too, so that might be my lack of updating.

I promise I will be better.

Here's chapter 17, please leave a comment and vote what you think. 

What will happen next? What is it Izzy have in her past that she hides from Harry?

Do you think Harry will feel the same as Izzy do for him?

Love you all xx


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