Chapter 25

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My thoughts about me and Harry being alone tonight were crushed as we got up the stairs to my flat. There, before me, us I mean, stood two people I never thought I'd see here.

"M-mom? D-dad?" I looked between them and they, in turn gave me stern looks and focused on mine and Harry's intertwine hands.

I dropped his hand fast, even though I really don't want to. My eyes are focused on my parents and I gulp hard.

"Isabella..." My dad says to me and nods.

My mom gives me a small smile before she embraces me in a tight hug. She takes me off guard and I stumble backwards a bit, but Harry is fast and supports me with a hand on my back.

"M-mom, I can't breath" I manage to get out before she crushes me. She lets me go and blush a little.

"Sorry, Isabella. It's been so long, I've missed you."

I look at her and give her a smile, "It's okay. Wait, what are you doing here?" I look between them.

My dad snorts and crosses his arms over his chest, "Jag tänker inte prata engelska om du tror det, unga dam."

My mom sighs and looks at me, "I'm sorry, he's so stubborn."

She looks at Harry who is standing beside me awkwardly. He is wearing his usual black tight jeans, brown boots, but he's wearing a white t-shirt and a blue flannel shirt over. You can see his tattoos through his t-shirt and I gulp again before I look at my dad. He really doesn't like tattoos.

"Who's this handsome young man, you've got here, Isabella?" My mom asks before she stretches out a hand for Harry to shake.

"Mom, dad...This is Harry eh.." I look between my parents and Harry.

"Her boyfriend" He finishes for me and my eyes widen before I see my dad clench his jaw. Harry shakes my moms hand and give her a bright dimpled smile.

"Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Maria and this is my husband Stefan." My mom gestures towards my dad who frowns.

Harry nods and gives my dad a small insecure smile. I know Harry was really stupid to introduce himself as my boyfriend to my parents. My dad won't approve.

"Shall we go inside maybe?" I ask before I unlock my door.

My dad takes their bags and walks in after me in my apartment. My mom and Harry follows after.

I sigh as Harry is last in and I whisper to him, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea they would be here."

He just gives me a white smile and kisses my cheek, "It's okay baby, they seem nice."

I laugh a nervous laugh before I mumble only so he can hear, "You just wait before my dad opens his mouth again."

Harry just chuckles and takes a seat on my only armchair as my mom and dad sits on my sofa. I just stand there awkwardly as all the seats are taken.

Harry pats his lap for me to sit on before he takes my hand and forces me to sit there.

I blush heavily and look at my parents as he wraps his arms around my waist. My dad clenches his jaw again and my mom just smiles at us.

"H-how long are you staying?" I place one of my sweaty hands on Harry's for support. He gets my hint and takes my hand in his.

"We are staying for a week, we thought we could stay at the hotel we saw here nearby." My mom answers for both of them.

I gulp again and squeeze Harry's hand hard. The thought of having my parents so near me, scares the crap out of me. But I just nod in response.

"Was the flight alright, Mr Severin?" Harry asks my dad and I squirm in his lap. That was a bad idea.

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