Chapter 7

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The week went by too fast for my liking. Harry continued with his flirtatious smirks and smiles to me. Me and Lia could actually have a couple of decent conversations together. She taught me a lot of new things about hair and make up. Harry and I, though, haven't spoken to each other since he practically forced me to go on a date with him.

The dreadful day was now here and I was about to gather my things together before heading home. 

"Are you still up for tonight?". I turned around when I heard the familiar raspy voice and gave him a small smile. 

"Yeah I guess, I thought you forgot about me there for a while", I tried to joke. 

Harry took a daring step forward, he were already to close for my liking but I remained on the same spot. He were mere inches away from me now and I could feel his breath fanning against my face. "I could never forget about you Izzy...". 

Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach uncontrollably when he said my name. Dammit how could he affect me this much only by a few words? "Great I'll see you in a few hours then, I should probably head home to get ready", I replied.

Harry took a step back and nodded at me with that unbelievable handsome smile, "Okay sounds good, but I might need your number so you can text me your address". We swapped numbers before we said ours 'see you later' and I headed home. I was beginning to feel nervous, my only reasonable thought was to text Milly to come by and help me get ready. She were already standing outside my door with an exciting smile on her face when I arrived.

"I'm going to make him fall hard when he sees you tonight, he's not going to be able to take his eyes off of you!". 

I chuckled at her mission about my date and let us both in. "Okay, but before the make over I might need a shower". 

Milly nodded and shooed me towards the bathroom, "Okay I'll find you something to wear and prepare the make up and stuff". I rolled my eyes at her for being more enthusiastic about this than me. I mean Harry is incredibly handsome and all that, I just don't want to jump in this whole love drama shit again. I don't want to get hurt again. 

After my shower Milly practically attacked me with my outfit and make up and all that stuff. The outfit Milly had chosen for me to wear were black skinny jeans and a white beautiful lace top. She half braided my hair and curled it, she gave me a smokey eye make up with pink lip gloss. 

"Isn't this too much Milly?", I started to feel self conscious again. 

She just shook her head and smiled at me. "No way sister! Here wear these heels too, that will be the last touch. You look amazing Iz!". 

I smiled at her and put on my high black pumps. Just when I had gathered all my stuff into my purse we heard three hard knocks on the door. 

I looked at the time and lost by breath. "Oh shit! It's almost 7! It's him! He's here!" I started to panic and didn't know what to do. 

Milly motioned me to sit on the couch. "Shut up, smile and breath, I'll get the door". 

When Milly opened the door she gave him a look over from head to toe. Harry was wearing a leopard printed shirt with black skinny jeans. Brown boots and a black coat over. 

" this the right place? Does Izzy live here?". He looked confused. 

Milly smirked at him and nodded, "Yes she does. IZ!!" 

I jumped up from the couch and walked over to them. Harry's eyes widened at the sight of me and he got speechless. Milly and I smiled at each other, she winked at me. 

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