Chapter 71

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When we woke up a few ours later it was dark. Harry was sleeping next to me, I must've fallen asleep even though I was worried. I walked over to the window and looked at the moon who was shining bright. The stars looked down at me and I felt sad suddenly. I stroke my hand on my belly and wondered how the baby's life will be. 

I heard rustling behind me and I saw Harry was slowly waking up and I laid down in bed again. His eyes looked tiredly at me and he had a small smile playing on his lips. "What time is it? It's dark". 

I looked at the time on my phone and laughed a little, "It's 8 pm, we slept for four hours Haz". 

Harry chuckled and pulled me to him, I buried my face into his chest and let out a big breath in relaxation. His arms always made me feel safe and calm. 

"Are you hungry? Maybe we need to make some food?" his tiredly voice vibrated though his chest where I had my head and I nodded slowly with closed eyes. I just wanted to stay here, let's just pause this moment forever and always be together and be safely calm. 

He looked down at me and moved to lay on his side so I had to place my head on the pillow instead. I groaned a little and opened my eyes to see a smiling Harry. 

"What do you want me to cook for you?" he asked while his green eyes was piercing through me. 

I blushed a little, still not used to his mesmerizing eyes, "I'd love to have pancakes now". The sound of my tummy growling made us laugh and Harry got out of bed while I moved to my side and sat up slowly. 

Suddenly we heard some noise downstairs and we both jumped in our spots. I looked at Harry who moved towards the door and creaked it open slowly. 

We heard the noise again and now Harry walked out his room and turned on the lights near the stairs. 

Right down the stairs were Anne standing in the arms of only a boxer brief wearing Tierney. They looked shocked at us and I could only imagine our faces mirrored theirs. 

I looked at Harry, worried he might add things together and begin a rage. Tierney gulped and slowly released Harry mother from his arms. 

I sensed that Harry tensed up and clenched his jaws together, holding back from lunging at Tierney. Anne was the first one to open her mouth, "H-Harry, darling, I ca-"

Harry held up his hand to silence her, and the air suddenly felt thicker than usual. Tierney took a step towards us, "Listen, mate. I'll leave jus-"

"How dare you come here and do God knows what to my fucking mother....?" Harry spitted the words out from his gritted teeth. 

Tierney gulped and took a step back, "I'm sorry mate I don't-"

"No, I don't want to hear it. I'll leave." Harry turned around and I looked surprised at him. 

"What? No. Why?" My brain tried to translate what was happening right now, it all went so fast. 

Suddenly Harry had packed a bag and stopped for a second to look at me, "I'm sorry Iz. I just need a little time to process all this. Did you know about this?"

I looked away and swallowed hard, should I tell the truth or would that make things worse? I followed my gut. 

"Anne might have mentioned something about them..." I mumbled low. 

Harry snorted, "Huh. I should've known. I'll be at Gemma's, don't come bothering me". 

And without another word Harry walked past me and stormed past Tierney and Anne who seemed to be frozen on their spots. When Harry had slammed the front door shut Anne burst out crying, "I knew this would happen!" 

I felt a tear escape my eye too and I didn't know what to do. I knew myself that when you're shocked you say the darnedest things even to the people you love. Harry needed to be alone now, I know that. But I didn't know what else to do. 

I looked for my phone and saw that I had three missed calls from Milly. Without second thoughts I dialed her number and she answered fast.

"Iz! Where have you been?! I've tried to call you" her voice sounded worried but I felt comfort hearing it again. We haven't talked that much since I got here and it just sounded so nice to hear a familiar voice. 

"I-...I have had the craziest days here Mil",  I didn't know where to start. 

It turned out that Milly actually was worried about me and had just called to check in on me. I wanted to tell her everything but the tears started to fall faster now and I couldn't get out a single coherent word. 

"Calm down, hun. I'm here. Tell me what's going on".

Without a second thought I got the words out and there were no turning back now, "I'm pregnant!" 


For a long time there were no sound on the other end. I almost thought Milly had hung up on me. But I looked at my phone and saw that the conversation was still on. 

"Milly...are you still there?"

I heard a deep breath and she answered slowly, "Yeah...I'm just trying to digest this. Are you sure?"

I smiled a little, "Yeah, I've taken three tests but I haven't been to the doctor yet. You and Harry are the only one's who knows".

It was like I could actually hear Milly's shock going from stunned to excited, her breath starting to raise and I heard a little squeal on the other end and she giggled a little. 

"I'm gonna be a godmother! Oh my God! You're going to be a mum!!" 

I laughed a little, I felt the worry coming back but I decided to focus on Milly now. We ended up talking until 2 am and I told her everything that had happen here. Everything from Zac, to Gemma, to Tierney and the Harry Potter barboys and lastly Harry's shock and leaving. 

"Wow, how many day's have you been there now? 3? You've really been busy you two. But just give him some space, he'll come to you when he's ready".

I let out a sigh, "Yeah I hope so". I looked at the wooden clock on the wall and yawned, "Hey Mil. I think I need to get some sleep now. Can we talk again tomorrow? I miss you". 

"Sure hun, I'm here for you, you know that. Sweet dreams and give that belly of yours a pat from auntie Milly". 

I giggled, "Absolutely, night". 

We hung up and when I placed my head on the pillow I missed Harry's safe arms holding me as I fell asleep. 


Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating earlier. But I've got a new job!

I'll start working on Monday and I might be busy during the weeks until summer, but I'll try to update as frequently as I can. 

The drama is on! What do you think? What will happen next?

I hope you are great and I wish you a lovely weekend.

All the love xx



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