Chapter 48

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Izzy's POV

When we woke up the next morning, I looked awful. My cheek was swollen and my lip hurt like hell. But I didn't care we were going home today. Home. London. I couldn't wait. 

I never though I'd feel home anywhere actually. But UK have become my home. The cozy little streets and the beautiful nature. Especially where Harry lived, his house were so far out of town that it practically had the forest as a next door neighbor. 

 And I had got the privilege to live with him there. I knew we would have to unpack all my boxes and stuff, but where Harry was felt like home, except this place of course. 

He told me that his castle was mine now and that he couldn't wait to make his home my home. I loved hearing those words. Harry Styles, the famous model, actually wanted me, the awkward blonde haired potato, to live with him. Okay, okay, I'm not a potato, but next to him anyone looks like something the cat have thrown up. 

As we got up I decided to take a quick shower, to wash away the blood stains and maybe feel a little more awake. Harry had started to pack his things when I got out of the shower, he was only wearing his boxer briefs and I gulped when I saw his naked torso. 

His beautiful tattoos on display only for my eyes to see. I wrapped the towel around my body closer and decided to put some make up on, partly to look a little better next to Harry, but also to cover up the bruises and cuts my beloved ex BFF had given me. 

I sighed as I stood in front of the mirror and saw my beat up face. I looked so pale, the short summer we've had didn't give me much tan. The autumn is upon us and I couldn't wait for the cold weather. 

I put some concealer on my face and continued with some eye liner and mascara. Just to make me look more....alive?

The thoughts in my head swirled like a carousel and I felt nauseous from the ride. I knew when we got home that I desperately needed to search for a knew job. I had persuaded Harry from quitting Cover and continue with his amazing career as a model. He wanted to take some time off to work on his vocals and such. 

I had told him yesterday that he could do that too, just not let everything else be. He told me he could maybe get me a job at a school. 

I'd like that. Milly is a kinder-garden teacher and could maybe introduce me to some people. I love to paint and such, it felt so good to paint Harry's room in the house. I felt like I actually did something I'm good at. When I worked at Cover I felt so lost. But with the paint brush in my hand, I felt useful. 

Maybe I could be an art teacher? That'd be so awesome. 

"Babe, are you ready? I need to use the bathroom", Harry startled me when I was lost in my thoughts and I jumped as he spoke. I turned around and his eyes widened in surprise. 

He had his usual back jeans and a grey hoodie on. So simple, but on him it looked like he was ready for the next photoshoot. 

"Yeah, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts and lost track of time. I'm just gonna pack and get dressed" I mumbled hastily.

Harry gave me a smile and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "You look lovely today", he said in his raspy morning voice.  

I blushed and gave him a quick smile before I hurried to pack and get dressed. I decided on blue jeans and a pink knitted sweater. It would be colder in the UK now, but not as cold as it is here. 

Harry came out of the bathroom and a hint of his expensive cologne hit my nostrils, he had styled his hair now and looked incredible. My hair didn't cooperate today so I just put it in a low pony tail. But a few strings of hair was already escaping the hair tie. 

Harry embraced me and held me tight to his chest. I hugged him back and closed my eyes. A home isn't four walls and a roof, it's two arms and a heartbeat. Harry was my home. 

I let out a deep sigh of comfort and Harry chuckled a little, "Come here, kiss me". 

I blushed at his boldness but did as I was told, I stood on my tippy toes to reach up to his pink plump lips. They were soft as always and enveloped mine perfectly. 

We jumped at the sound of loud banging on the door and broke the kiss quickly. But when we heard the familiar voice of Milly we both relaxed. 

"Hey! Are you guys coming! I wanna go home!" she sounded so excited that it was contagions.

I laughed and walked over to the door to let them in, "We are ready, miss-I-can't-wait-for-five-minutes", I said in a humorous way.

Milly placed her hand on her hip and raised an eye brow at me, "What the hell have happened to you? Did Harry do this? Wait I need to get a frying pan".

I blushed remembering how awful I must look from yesterday. I grabbed Milly's hand and stopped her from leaving. "No, no. It wasn't Harry. I eh, I got into a fight yesterday".

"No way!" cried Louis impressed. 

Harry had taken both of our bags and stood now beside me, "Yeah, you should've seen her. She fought like one of those woman wrestlers in the mud you know when we-" he stopped in his tracks when me and Milly gave them a warning eye. 

Both Harry and Louis mirrored each other and rubbed their necks uncomfortably. Milly ignored them and turned to me, "Okay, you need to tell me every detail of it. But right now we need to get to the airport. Our plane lifts in one hour!"

I grabbed my hand bag before we walked out the room. I locked it and we rushed down to the reception to check out. 

Harry and Louis walked in front of me and Milly. She grabbed my arm and giggled a little, "I really loved this country, even though the circumstances could've been better".

I smiled at her, "Yes, I need to take you here some time. Just you and me. I could show you the town I grew up in". 

Milly practically jumped in excitement "Yes! That sounds awesome".

Harry and Louis had got a hold of a cab when we got out of the hotel and had put all of our bags in the trunk of it. 

The way to the airport felt shorter than when we came, we all got excited when we saw both Harry and Louis on a billboard on one of the buildings. It was an advertising for Calvin Klein and they looked amazing. In a flash we were on the plane though. Me, Milly and Harry next to each other. The gap were between Harry and next sat Louis. But they didn't seem to mind. 

Harry fell asleep almost immediately, Louis sat with his lap top, doing some work. Milly practically forced me to tell her every detail of yesterday. I blushed a little when I told her about the fight. 

Soon enough we all fell a sleep during the ride home. As I felt my eye lids getting heavier a thought swept through my mind before I let sleep take over. 

Is this the calm before the storm, or am I finally gonna be calm in my existence?


Hey guys!

They are finally going home! Yay!

How are you? Have your summer been amazing?

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter, I'd love to hear about it.

Oh and what do you think of the knew cover? I made it myself! 

I wish you a lovely day/evening/night

Love xx


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