Chapter 13

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The same night I was woken up by a few hard and loud poundings on my door. I was confused before I registered that someone was a the door. I got out of bed and opened the door and saw him, I thought I've never had to see him again. I felt my heart drop and I stared at him in shock.

He had a smug smile on his face, his eyes were droopy and red. He was of course drunk, I don't think I've ever seen him completely sober. 

He leaned against the door and cleared his throat. "Isabella....I've missed you, damn you look hot. Breaking up with me did good to you", he mocked me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a stern look, "What are you doing here Niklas?"

He chuckled, "Are we really going to speak English the whole time? C'mon...du är snygg, älskling".

I shook my head and made myself ready to close the door in his face, but he stopped me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Leave me alone, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. And yes I speak English now,  I'm a English citizen. So fuck off!". I tried to push him aside to be able to close the door. But he got a hold on my waist and pressed my body against his own. I looked shocked at him and tried to get out of his strong arms.

Suddenly we heard footsteps up the stairs, I looked over his shoulder and let out a breath when I saw Milly standing there with a frying pan in her hand.

"You heard the lady, fuck off you twat!". She raised the frying pan in defense ready to hit him.

He let go of me fast and looked curiously at Milly. "Who's this lovely lady, Iz?", he looked between me and her.

I raised my eyebrows at him. He wasn't seriously doing this now? He didn't come pounding at my door at 4 am to harass me before he saw Milly and started to flirt with her? This was exactly why I broke up with him in the first place. He's a complete Douche.

Milly broke the silence to my relief. "Don't you try anything with me your imbecile! Get out of here before I give you a pounding headache with this!" She waved with the frying pan whilst shouting at him. I just stood there frozen, I couldn't believe Milly stood up for me. She's a heard headed woman indeed. Niklas is at least 6'5 and both Milly and I are only a little over 5'3.

But to my surprise Niklas nodded. Before he left he stroke my cheek and gave me a smug smile.

"I'll see you around Iz...". I sucked in a breath as I watched him leave the building. He wasn't staying, was he?

Milly lowered the frying pan and hugged me tightly, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

I felt the tears stream down on my cheeks as I held her tightly. I was so afraid. What if he was moving here as well?


When I woke up later I was wondering if I had dreamed everything. My head ached because of the lack of sleep and the tears I've shed. I dragged myself out of bed and started to make myself presentable. 

I yawned when I stood on the sidewalk later, waiting for the bus. 

When I arrived at work I was met by people running in panic in different directions. I was met by a half dressed Louis who looked like he was about to explode. 

"What's happening?" I looked questionable at him before I looked around the place again. 

Louis was out of breath and moved me aside before a load of people ran towards the Technic room.  "Claude had a horrendous outbreak towards Lia, she had styled a model completely wrong so the photoshoot couldn't be done and on top of that, she should've booked our trip to Birmingham but she had forgot. You know how he is. He threw a hair dryer at her which made her unconscious, but before that he had smacked her right across her face". 

I looked shocked at him and tried to look for both Lia and Claude. "Where are they?" 

Louis got a hold of a shirt someone handed him and threw it on. "Lia was taken to the hospital, Harry went with her and Claude is in his office with a couple of police men. He ordered everyone to continue with everything, but they got terrified and started to run around here like crazy people". 

I felt my heart sink again. 'Harry had went with Lia? Why?Claude might go to jail? What will happen to the firm?' I nodded at Louis before I headed towards the dressing room for the models. This was truly a weird day. 

I need to know where Harry was, I got a hold of someone with purple hair. It was Milly's friend, Olivia I think. 

"Hey, have you seen Harry?" I couldn't believe Louis so I needed to hear it from someone else. 

Olivia looked at me with wide eyes, "Oh you're Milly's friend right? Izzy? Yeah I've seen him, he went with Lia to the hospital. Didn't you hear what happened?". 

I Sighed and nodded at her. "Yeah I know", my heart felt ready to burst. Why did Harry care so much about Lia, she was just unconscious, you don't die from that. I headed for the door. I needed to get to the hospital. 

I got out of the building but ran in to something, or someone. My heart stopped as I looked into his grey eyes yet again. He held my tightly against him and had a evil smile plastered on his face. I was frozen on the spot, terrified what he could do to me. Was he really staying in the country?


Hi guys! Sorry for leaving with a short chapter and with a cliffhanger. And sorry for taking a while to update. 

I have had school and stuff, my private life is kinda a mess too. So I hope i can update again soon.

Please tell me if this is good, and give your opinion on what might happen next?

All the love as always xx


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