Chapter 3

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Wanna pull an all nighter
And get into something we'll never forget
Wanna stay up and party
The weekend away and not know when to quit
Wanna drive in the night to the end of the earth
And go over the edge
Wanna wake up with you
And say baby let's do it all over again

Never Enough - One Direction

The day couldn't start any better. I slept well in my new bed, I got up and made pancakes for breakfast. I suddenly heard a knock on my door, "it must be Milly", I thought. 

 My thoughts were confirmed and in stormed an excited Milly. "Hello girl! Aren't you finished yet? We have so much to do today". 

I giggled at her enthusiasm "I'm just finishing my breakfast, do you want some?" She looked at the pile of pancakes I've made on the counter. 

"Alright but let's hurry, we are going on sight seeing and shopping for tonight".

The sight seeing was amazing, I felt like a tourist though, we went to all the things you see when you go to London. The London Eye, Big Ben, Madame Tussauds and so much more. We took a quick lunch at a nice diner before we took off for shopping.

Milly held out a dress for me to wear, "This one would fit you perfectly". 

 My eyes widened at the dress, it was a tight, short, little black dress with a low cut back. "Erm, where are we going tonight exactly?". 

Milly rolled her eyes at me "I told you it is a club, this would be perfect there". 

I held it up to my body "Isn't too revealing?". 

Milly shook her head "nonsense, that is perfect, now I need to find something to wear, then we will go shoe shopping". 

I sighed in defeat and helped Milly find a dark red dress a little longer than mine and not too revealing. We bought the dresses before we head out to get some shoes.


I was so nervous for tonight, I've never been to a club before. I looked at myself in the mirror in the new dress. I must say Milly was right about the dress. It hugged my curves in the right places, perhaps a little too short for my liking though. I put on my make up, not too much but enough to look a little fancy. Milly walked into my bedroom where I was seated in front of my mirror. 

"Wow Iz you look amazing, I'm damn good sometimes", she smiled smugly. 

I smiled at her before I stood up. "Yeah I guess you were right, but isn't too short?". 

She shook her head, "Nope, let's go now the rest of our company is waiting for us at the club".

I nodded and put on my new black heels, I'm not used to heels but Milly insisted. Milly's dress were perfect on her, her bust had a heart shaped neckline, and the length of the dress reached just above her knees.

We arrived at the club and got in without any trouble. Milly took my hand and dragged me to the bar. She took up her phone and looked at a new message. 

"They're at a table on the second floor, let's grab our drinks then we head up, yeah?" 

I nodded at her "Sounds good to me", I'm ready to let loose a little tonight. We ordered our drinks and headed up to the second floor. Milly waved at her friends and dragged me with her.

Before me sat three women and two men. 

Milly introduced me to them, "This is Sarah, Olivia and Erica. And that is Tom and Robin". 

I smiled at them and said hello before we sat down. "Hi I'm Izzy". 

"You're not from here right?", the blonde, blue eyed girl named Sarah asked. 

I blushed a little that it was so obvious. "Yeah is it that obvious?". 

The other girl with a light purple shade of hair color, with grey eyes nodded at me. Olivia. "Yes, your accent is very different, where are you from?". 

I smiled at her before I took a sip of my drink. "I'm from Sweden". 

Everyone looked at me surprised. "Wow, that's really cool", the dark haired boy, Tom, his name was I think, said. 

My cheeks turned into a dark shade of red. "Why?". 

The blonde guy with brown eyes, Robin, smirked at me, "Because here it's kinda exotic". 

My eyes widened at his response. Suddenly Erica, the girl with black curls and green eyes stood up. "Okay enough with the flirting Robin, let's go dance!".

I let out a sigh of relief because I didn't know what to say to Robin. We all stood up except for Sarah, Tom and Olivia. 

"You guys go, we'll be here guarding your drinks", said Olivia.

We smiled at response and headed for the dance floor. 

Erica smiled at me and whispered into my ear "Don't bother listening to Robin, he's a douche with a big mouth but shy as a little sheep". I giggled at her description of him and nodded in response. I started to relax a little bit now, might be the alcohol or the company or maybe both.

We danced for a while on the dance floor, it was crowded and loud but I didn't care. Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around the club until I saw a pair of emerald green eyes staring directly at me. I sucked in a breath and locked eyes with him. He looked like a model. He had a great sense of style, he wore a pair of black tight jeans with a black and white striped bottom up shirt. He had the most brown beautiful curls I've ever seen. When I reached his pink plump beautiful lips I saw a smirk forming there. I looked at his eyes again. 

"Oh shit". He must have noticed I checked him out. My face turned into a dark shade of red. I looked away fast and started to look for Milly.

She was dancing without care and I smiled at the sight, I walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. "Can we get back to the table now? I need another drink". She stopped her crazy dancing and nodded in agreement. When we headed to the table again I looked for the green eyes again, he had never broken the glance at me. I looked away and blushed intensely. "Who does he think he is?", I thought to myself.


Heeey guys!!

Double update!! Yay, who might the mystery guy with the green eyes be? Hmm ;)

Hope you like this one, it's now the fun begins.

Please vote and comment your opinons please!!

Have a nice one, All the love x


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