Chapter 59

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Harry's POV 

I woke up at three am, trying to catch my breath. Izzy was clinging to me and I felt like I was about to burn up. I got out of her grip and untangled me from the sheets. Water, I needed water. 

I stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen and turned the faucet on, I took out a glass from the top cabinet. I filled the glass three times and chugged it three times before I finally won over my thirst. I sat down on one of the chairs letting out a tired sigh. Izzy won't stop asking the questions I don't want to answer, but I need to tell her the truth. If our lives ever will be calm again she needs to know. 

I looked at the plaster covering my arm, I tore it a little. So tired of this shit. Without thinking I banged my hand on the counter and the plaster cracked. I tore it off feeling the freedom of my right hand. 

I tried to bend my fingers and it worked well, they were sore but they didn't hurt anymore. Satisfied with myself I threw the old filthy plaster in the garbage and went up to the bedroom again. 

Izzy was still asleep and I decided not to wake her. I took my clothes and my phone and went downstairs again. I got dressed in my sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. I turned on my phone and noticed three missed calls. They were all from Gemma. Shit. 

Before I had completely decided to call her or not my fingers had done it for me. They had pressed the call button and now it was ringing. I brought the phone to my ear and gulped, I hope she's asleep. 

But just my luck she wasn't, a tired Gemma answered the phone. 

"Hello? Harry?" I closed my eyes, not knowing what to say. 

"Hi Gem..." I managed to get out through my dry throat. The three glasses of water didn't help. 

"How are you? Why are you calling this late?" Gemma sounded worried. 

"Why are you up now?" I ignored her questions. 

A gurgling sound came through the speaker and I added one and one together. Gemma answered my thoughts, and it turned out I was right.

"It's the baby, she's fuzzing. I don't know why but she doesn't want to sleep at night" I heard Gemma talk calming to the baby and I let out a sigh.

"Sorry if I woke her up...I didn't want to-" Gemma cut me off.

"It's okay Haz, don't worry about it. She kinda looks like you in some light. She has the same dimples like you". 

I smiled to myself and felt my eyes tear up and my throat get thicker. I didn't realize it until now, but I really miss my sister. She has just had a baby and I'm an uncle, I just want to meet them. 

"I miss you, Gem" I said without thinking. 

I heard a gasp on the other end it went silent for a while before she answered, "I miss you too, Haz. So much. I can't wait for you to meet Rose, she's so sweet". 

"Rose? Oh yeah, Rose That's a beautiful name..." I felt a tear fall down my cheek, but I was fast to wipe it away. I felt an ache in my chest I haven't felt for a while. I miss my family. I want us to be together again, all of us. Including Izzy. She's part of my family now, I need to tell her the truth. 

"Yeah, It was Zac who came up with it. And I really- Harry are you crying?" I didn't recall I had sniffled until Gemma commented on it and I gulped the tears down and took a deep breath. 

"No, I'm just a little cold. But who is Zac? Do I know him? The name sounds familiar" I tried to puzzle the pieces together. 

"Yeah, well eh. You might know who he is. He's my husband now. You will meet in a few days, I'll explain everything then."

"Wait what? Explain what? Who is he?" I started to get a bad feeling about this. 

"I'm sorry Harry but Rose has finally fallen asleep and I need to go now, we'll talk soon. Love you, bye" the line went dead and I took the phone from my ear, she had hung up. 

I heard a noise behind me and I saw Izzy standing in the doorway to the living-room, she had put her bathrobe around her. I was quick to wipe away the tears from my eyes before I turned to her again. "Hey, babe...did I wake you?"

She moved from her spot to sit next to me, I pulled her up in my lap and held her close. Feeling that the tears began to seek their way through my eyes again I took a deep breath and felt her scent in my nostrils. She smelled like a mixture of vanilla and coconut, I loved that.

She stroke my hair and I pressed my whole face in her shoulder. "Hey, hey...calm down sweetie" she said soothingly. 

"Who was it that you talked to? Are you okay" she asked, she's always asking. 

I moved away my head from her shoulder and looked up at her tired face, she was shining in the dark. She looked so beautiful. "It was my sister...I called her, did I tell you what she is planning to name the baby?".

"No you didn't you need to tell me what it is!" Izzy got excited and I swear I saw a sparkle in her left eye. 

"Rose...she said her husband had thought of it" I intertwined my fingers with hers as I was talking. 

"Rose, that's such a beautiful name". She looked at me and swiped away a tear who had escaped my eye and was falling down my cheek. 

"I said the same thing too..." I looked at the print on her bathrobe, it was little yellow ducks swimming in the fuzzy blue material. The ducks had smiles on their faces, glad to be with each other. 

"Are you okay, Haz?" Izzy's concerned voice brought my attention to her. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. But you know I was thinking of something...I know we aren't going to Gemma until Friday, but what about we go a few days early? You don't have any job, and after my last photoshoot Claude owes me one, I can take a few days off". 

"We? Are you sure you want me to come?" she looked uneasy and I remembered what I had said earlier about her not being my family. 

I moved away a string of hair from her face behind her ear, "Yeah, we. You are my family Izzy and I want us all to be together. I miss my family."

She lightened up and a big smile spread out across her lips and she hugged me tight, "Oh Harry, you have no idea what this means to me".

I just chuckled and held her close, "No, but I can imagine".

She moved away from me and took both of my hands in hers and that's when she realized what I had done. "You wrist! What did you do Harry?!" she exclaimed. 

I moved away my hand from hers and showed her that it was functional by turning the wrist and all of my fingers, "It healed, I was tired of the plaster and it accidentally broke?"

She raised an eye brow at me, dammit this woman know me too well. "Okay, okay I broke it on purpose because I was frikkin tired of it" I rolled my eyes as I said it.

"Well, as long as you are okay..." she looked at me expectantly.

"Yes! Now give me a kiss before I get mad at you!" I tried to stay firm but a smirk sneaked up through my lips and we both laughed.

She kissed me deeply and I felt a shadow of calm embrace me. I felt excitement for us all to be together, but at the same time I remembered how it had all begun and got kind of nervous about my mum....and who was this Zac? Gemma said I know who he is...but who? 


I changed the baby's name to Rose, I thought it sounded better. 

I hope you like this chapter, I'll update again next week

Love xx


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